profile fields are attached to member profiles has nothing to do with groups.
I am talking about the ‘profile fields’ area, not ‘Groups’, per se.
‘Add New Field Group’
(“Fields in the “Base” group will appear on the signup page.”)
So, where do the public profile fields come from?
they come from the admin area you refer to in you your questions, they are displayed on member profile pages in tabbed layout with “Base” (unless you have modified that name) also being the default group displayed.
Oh, I didn’t change a thing, and now it is working. Fancy that!
It reads
It appears to be drawing from the ‘base’ group, so how would it choose another field group?
on the member profile page the different groups are tabs
hmmm… I see the tab for groups.
What I am trying to do is get the public profile to display a different group of fields than ‘base’. I created another field group with the name ‘public profile’.
Ok, Ok! But you still don’t get it! ‘Base’ group shows up on the sing up page. I am talking about the public profile that appears in the tabbed area. I need a different set of fields for this area. So, I created the field group, but the profile keeps pulling ‘base’ and I want it to choose the ‘public profile’ group.
The “base” group is by definition the default group displayed if you want a different group to be displayed on the registration as opposed to users profiles by default i would suggest you will end up with a lot of “blank” profiles. by putting that base group on the registration page you can encourage/enforce people to actually fill out the fields. by putting them on a secondary (or tertiary) field group you are presenting hurdles that your users must clear in order to fill out their profiles.
I get it. Clear as can be. Thanks!