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Question about activity arguments override in 2.2.0

  • @shpitzyl



    I’m using the mentions feature in buddypress to let users post on other users activity stream. I’m using the plugin bp-activity-as-wire plus some snippet of code that I found online. that snippet of code makes the mentions appear in the user’s activity stream (the user who has been mentioned).

    Inside bp-activity-classes.php in the get_filter_sql() function. I replaced:

    if ( !empty( $filter_array['user_id'] ) ) {
    			$user_sql = BP_Activity_Activity::get_in_operator_sql( 'a.user_id', $filter_array['user_id'] );
    			if ( !empty( $user_sql ) )
    				$filter_sql[] = $user_sql;

    With this code:

    if ( !empty( $filter_array['user_id'] ) ) {
    			$user_sql = BP_Activity_Activity::get_in_operator_sql( 'a.user_id', $filter_array['user_id'] );
    			// START Also include @Mentions in User Stream
    			$search_terms = '@'.bp_core_get_username($filter_array['user_id']). '</span>';
    			$user_sql.= "OR ( a.content LIKE '%%".like_escape($search_terms)."%%' )";
    			// END Also include @Mentions in User Stream
    			if ( !empty( $user_sql ) )
    				$filter_sql[] = $user_sql;

    It worked perfectly until the last update (2.2.0).

    I can see that there is a new method get_scope_query_sql() which overrides activity arguments. When I comment out the function call inside get() everything is working.

    My question is what might happen if I leave that function call commented out? Is it going to break anything on my site? I can’t upgrade to 2.2.0 without fixing this issue first.

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