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question on what a member sees

  • @saz25


    I am a newbie at BuddyPress.

    I am using wordpress 4.9.1
    BuddyPress 2.9.2

    My question is that I just created a new user, by registering and then he ativated.
    When he logs in, he is able to see the “dashboard” option on top.

    Don’t you want to users/members to stay on the actual site (buddypress) and not be able to configure anything on the backend? They shouldn’t even know its a WordPress-based site per se.

    This members are considered “subscribers”.

    thanks in advance.

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  • @leog371


    Ok, so basically this toolbar that you are seeing on the top of your site when you login with your new user account is not really a full admin dashboard bar. It only links to the part of the back end dashboard that allows the user to edit his profile in the back end. Nothing else can be messed with by anyone but the admin. Try it out and experiment with it. you’ll see.

    Also, if you want to turn that feature off, simply login to the back end as admin, go to “settings” / “buddypress” and on the 3rd tab “Options”, simply deselect “Show the Toolbar for logged out users”



    Thanks for the quick reply.
    I just did that.
    That only removes the top black toolbar from when you are not logged in.
    It still shows up after you are logged in.

    Is this not possible to remove?
    Do most BuddyPress implementations usually leave it that way?



    ok, gimmie just a few minutes



    Ok, in your plugins directory, create a file called bp-custom.php or “if you have one all ready” add this line to it

    add_filter('show_admin_bar', '__return_false');

    that should be inside php tags or it wont work. Like this

    /* Inside with any other code you might have in this file */
    add_filter('show_admin_bar', '__return_false');



    You mean in the public_html/bellmoore/wp-content/plugins/buddypress directory?

    “bellmoore” refers to my top level folder for my wordpress instance.

    thanks a million.



    Almost, but you went one to far. Your target to put the file is in the plugins directory directly. not the buddypress plugin directory so the end would be

    wp-content/plugins/ then add file here “bp-custom.php”

    Basically in the root of the plugins directory



    thanks a million.

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