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Quick questions

  • @nathangelston


    Hi all, just a few simple quick questions;

    By default, the default profile field group is titled “Base” – is there any way I could change this (e.g. to Basic Info), and also is there any way I could make it display on a user’s public profile the same as created profile field groups do?

    Is there an easy way to stop BuddyPress creating links out of every profile field item? (e.g. I created a profile field relating to somebody’s interests – fill it out and then view the profile, and every item is a link)

    How would I go about setting it up so that once a user logs in, the default page they see would be the “Activity” tab, NOT the “Home” tab?

    Is it possible to lock people out of members, activity etc. until they log in? Just for privacy’s sake etc.

    Whew. I think that’s all of them now – hopefully somebody can help me out! Cheers in advance.

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  • @nathangelston


    So, I found “Custom Profile Filters for BuddyPress” which enables me to disable links in profiles – still need some help on the other questions though!



    And after much stuffing around, I finally managed to go and manually change the MySQL entry of “Base” to “Basic Info”. Still not sure how to make the title of it display on the profile page though.



    After editing profile-loop.php i also managed to make it display the heading for all profile field groups, including the default.




    To change the base profile field group name, go to your WP Dashboard. Under BuddyPress > General settings, you’ll see the first entry allows you to change this.

    To set the Activity Stream as your home page, go to your WP Dashboard again. Scroll down to the bottom and, under Settings > Reading, you’ll see the first entry allows you to choose what to display on the front page. Click “A Static Page”, then from the dropdown, select “Activity Stream”. Note that you’ll have to create a page for your Posts Page.

    To “lock people out” of certain content areas, you could customize your child-theme templates to display what you want to logged-in/non-logged-in users like here: Or you could try the s2member plugin:

    Hope this helps! :-)



    thanks heaps. can’t believe the “base” name was such an easy fix – here i was logging into phpmyadmin and manually editing mysql databases when it was right under my nose!

    as far as the activity stream goes, i still want the latest blog posts to be the homepage, but when a user logs in, i want it to take them to their own activity stream – the same as clicking on ‘activity’ would do once they’re logged in.

    will look into the options for locking people out, thanks once again!




    To redirect users to their profile when logging in:



    thanks heaps pcwriter, that’s exactly what i was after!



    sorry to keep reviving this thread, just some more stuff i need help with;

    i’d like to remove the “all members” link from activity, so users can only view their friends’ activities and not the activities of the entire site.
    i’d also like to rename the ‘activity’ tab on the main nav to ‘home’ and change the ‘home’ tab to ‘news’.



    i really need to look into things a bit further before i post here ._.

    i managed to remove “all members” from activity by removing line 22 of bp-themes/bp-default/activity/index.php (

    now just to figure out the activity tab on the main nav…



    and once again… i was able to change the titles of nav options by editing bp-themes/bp-default/header.php in the appropriate locations. thanks anyway everybody!



    so, i’m trying to create an additional nav option and so far i’m not having much luck. i want it to direct to the user’s profile (the same way that clicking on their name once logged in does) and am not having any luck.

    this is my current code:

    i’ve tried quite a few different bits of code in the second php echo, with no luck… could anybody help me out with what the correct code would be?

    any idea why this won’t work?:



    i ended up getting it to work, using the following code:

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