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recommended membership plugins

  • @fab_pj


    Hello community,
    I am writing as I am currently enjoying Buddypress on my website, however we are having different problems integrating it with s2 member.
    Firstly, did anyone ever have any problems with paypal sending the confirmation email to your users?
    Secondly, does anyone know how to (or if it’s possible to) register via s2 on a mobile / tablet?

    Lastly, which other membership plugin that supports buddypress would you recommend?

    Thanks so much!

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  • @henrywright


    Hi @fab_pj

    Whilst I’m not sure about your s2member question and can’t help with a membership plugin recommendation, it’s worth mentioning that BuddyPress will support member types in the upcoming version (2.2). See here for more info on how to use the feature.



    Thank you very much Henry, I am not a coding and CSS master, but still I’ll have a look into it. Just I find it odd (or very unfortunate) that I am the only one being so unlucky with it all!



    fab-pj – paypal getting emails to your users? Or s2 / your wp install not getting email to your users? – Different systems use different methods for sending emails with wp, and some email systems will reject emails under various circumstances. Just sending an email via php with general server stuff in headers may not get through some systems like yahoo or gmail. I had to use some weird “wordpress send emails via smtp” type of plugin on one site… I also found that “fast secure contact form” would not put the right header info in emails to get to yahoo addys.. but the plugin “contact form 7” did put header things together right with my server.. of course this varies on lots of things beyond wordpress (your server setup – where they are going, if your server ip is in any blacklists, etc)

    I have had not trouble using s2 with users signing up via mobile devices.

    You ask about membership plugins that work with BP – not sure what your goal it.. I mean BP is a memberhsip thing.. if you are thinking about membership levels and content restrictions and such I would look at “press permit core” – in my experience I was able to axe using s2 and just use press permit. If you are looking for something fancy you may need to combine a couple / few plugins.. premium.wpmudev has a membership plugin and content restriction plugins as well.

    random thoughts, now knowing exactly what you are going for and what you have tried.

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