register.php not working (but wp-signup.php does)
On my installation, when I register a new user using register.php (which my default theme points to), no registration activation email is received by the user. However, this works fine when wp-signup.php is used.
The forums say that the register file is easier to customize so I would rather use it, but how can I get the registration activation to be sent out?
Are you using a custom home theme – if you are, then it’s because you haven’t updated it to support v1 properly. I think you are missing the functions.php file.
Hey DJPaul,
No this is a fresh install of ver 1.0 with all the default settings. Just set it up yesterday and have had this problem right from the beginning.
What would you recommend I do to check the reason for this problem?
More specifically, I am not using any custom home theme, its the one I got from buddypress .org itself.
OH how odd. Can you access all the default pages (members, groups, etc) – do they load OK?
Yes, they do. Even the register page loads and works fine, just does not send out the activation email. The website is
Are you seeing any error messages in the log files? If so, what are they?
Would this be a log file for WPMU or BP? Where would I find it? Thanks Jeff
This would be a server log file. It’s normally at the same level as your “www” folder or “html” folder, and usually titled “logs”
Basically if neither WPMU or BP are giving you an error, they don’t think there is one. That means your server/host isn’t sending the email properly, and an error log should tell you/us why.
Thanks John James Jacoby. Unfortunately, I need some more help with the logs
. I am hosting on hostgator. Can you tell me where to expect the log file to be and what it might be called?
WPMU is installed in the base directory of the add on domain. At this level I see all the main WPMU directories such as WP-admin, WP-Content and files like index.php and .htaaccess etc.
Please let me know if you need any other information to guess where the log file may be.
Ok, I did find an error_log file in my base domain’s directory. I am trying to parse through that but its been tracking for weeks and I have 5 running addon domains so a lot of info. I will try to find anything relavent to the buddypress domain and post it here.
We’ll be here.
The error logs are typically in chronological order, with the most recent at the bottom of the log.
If you can trigger the error and view the log right away, that might be the quickest way.
Hey, I changed the Allow new registrations options to another one and then switched back and now it seems to be working. I just tried to register a new user and the activation link came back fine. Thanks for your help guys. If the problems creeps up again Ill let you know.
I do have another question about the allow new registrations options over here
P.S. I did check the error log for the past couple of days for any reference to this error and didnt see anything. Infact, there don’t seem to be any errors with relation to the domain I am hosting BP on at all
P.S. I did check the error log for the past couple of days for any reference to this error and didnt see anything. Infact, there don’t seem to be any errors with relation to the domain I am hosting BP on at all.
I realize that it may seem like none of the errors in the log file apply to your situation, but you need to let us make that decision. Please share with us all the errors in the log file.
But, before you paste several weeks or months of log file errors, please do this:
– make a backup copy of your log file just in case your hosting provider needs it to help you with an unrelated problem down the road
– then, clear out the log file so that it is empty
– then try recreating your problem
– reopen the log file. If there are ANY errors, share those with us
Jeff, That sounds like a good idea. I am still having the registration email not reaching problem for some activations. Can I just backup and remove all old records by editing the error log or would this break something?
You can make a backup on your server, just give it a .bak extension or something different than the active file.
After backing up, you should be able to delete all the old lines. It’s basically a big text file. Nothing will break. Of course, if for some bizarre reason it does, you have that backup file that you can simply rename and put back in place!
I did what you suggested and cleared the error log. However, the registration problem is not creating any error in the error log.
After some testing I realized that if I create a user with a @gmail address, the registration verification email gets delivered without any problems. However if I register using an email on another one of my domains (however the emails are still hosted on google apps), I don’t get the activation email. I checked the spam folders but its not their either.
Please help.
However if I register using an email on another one of my domains (however the emails are still hosted on google apps), I don’t get the activation email. I checked the spam folders but its not their either.
Are you running this on localhost–your test server environment?
Are you providing valid email addresses, or fictitious email addresses?
Jeff, no, I am hosting on hostgator.
Yes the email addresses (I have tried 2 different domains and multiple email addresses) are valid and used regularly. I even tested the emails outside of buddypress.
If you would like to try it out, the install is at
Thanks for helping out.
Is there a way to check mail logs to see if something comes up there? (I am not even sure if WPMU keeps any).
Ok after further testing, my earlier belief that wp-signup.php works was wrong. I just realized that I must have tried wp-signup.php while signing up with a gmail address (which works).
Considering that the only entry that I make for the admin email address is to add the email address in the site admin options, do I not need to add a user name and password into WPMU for the email address to allow WPMU access to send emails? I am using a non gmail domain hosted on google apps as the support email in the admin.
Btw, I realize that with wp-signup.php not functioning as well, this is no longer a buddypress issue but probably a WPMU one. However, I would still be grateful for any help I can get from these forums. I will continue my search at WPMU forums also. Thanks.
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