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registration page styling

  • @porcusheep


    The default registration page layout/design looks terrible.

    Where is the style sheet for the registration page? I found the backend registration.php file but what I’m looking for is the style sheet to move the elements around. I would like to put required fields up top and optional fields below in a more horizontal layout than the default 2 column vertical.

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  • @henrywright


    You should use your theme’s style.css document. Editing core files isn’t recommended.



    agree, its unusable!
    Im looking for a registration/login plugin



    I didn’t have a big problem with the look of the registration but the little cosmetic changes I made with handled with CSS. However, the message that appeared after the form was submitted, that needed work.

    To customize it, I made a copy of register.php, modified the section where the message appeared and added this new directory in my child theme > mytheme/buddypress/members/register.php

    Looks much better now. Hope this helps.



    I have the same problem with the registration page. It’s unusable … an absolutely embarrassment if you look at screen capture of the desktop layout:

    and the tablet layout:

    I am running on Divi theme, and there is no way that I can use Divi theme to edit the layout of the registration page because it’s done at the backend of the BuddyPress plugin.

    Is there a plugin out there that can resolve this ?




    You can edit the layout of the registration page. buddypress/members/index-register.php is the template you’ll need to edit. See the Template Hierarchy article for more information.

    Template Hierarchy



    You can disable BP registration, then this is no longer an issue and the profile is still made the usual way.

    I have done it by adding the following code in my functions.php, btw coe is not written by me.

    function my_disable_bp_registration() {
      remove_action( 'bp_init',    'bp_core_wpsignup_redirect' );
      remove_action( 'bp_screens', 'bp_core_screen_signup' );
    add_action( 'bp_loaded', 'my_disable_bp_registration' );



    Same issue here. I just want to be able to edit the css of the registration fields.
    My theme (Avada) doesn’t have a straight forward style.css it does not simply work like that.
    BuddyPress needs to do something about this.



    @all Could we maybe a little less rude about BuddyPress styling we put a heck of a lot of our work time into providing BP as theme compatible app, it sounds like you’re all experiencing problems with premium WP themes affecting BP. Our registration screens are as best they can be made when we have to try and cater for unknown styling layouts.

    Above all else before making remarks please do try to bother to read the Codex documentation which explains just how to avail yourselves of the huge flexibility BP template hierarchy affords users and the ease in which you can overload all template files to child themes including the BP stylesheet. In other words RTFM 😉

    > BuddyPress needs to do something about this.

    No we don’t! We don’t have to support premium themes we support themes coded to WP theme standards to do more is more work than a volunteer set of devs can handle. There is always the option of hiring a dev to get things settled in to your theme.



    Hi unrealpixel,

    I understand your frustration and would suggest you contact your premium theme support. A good support will be able to offer you some CSS modifications even if the issue is brought about by a third party plugin, or if the issue goes beyond the level of support that they normally provide, they will at least be able to guide you in the most civilized way like all paid themes do.

    Or if you are code savvy enough, you can consider Henry Wright’s reply to my post. For a free theme support, his reply is useful and polite.



    Hey all! I have a css problem also.
    After upgrading to 2.9.0 css styling began to frustrate a lot of users.
    Check this and this



    I am not attacking the BuddyPress Dev team to be clear.
    I’m just saying that there should be a customization option for the registration page.
    Because right now the styles are dependent on the theme. Why not add an option that allows people to place a certain field at a place and fully customize that field to their likings. Of course I understand that is hard and takes a long time and will probably not happen.
    But please the team would make a lot of people happy by adding an option so people can customize the registration page apart from the full theme like its own style sheet.



    The whole freakin Plugin needs a UI & layout makeover. It’s 2017, looks like crap vs today’s UI/UX standards. This is why people are willing to pay for premium plugins like Ultimate Member plugin $200/year, or BuddyBoss theme – for design & looks alone. I’d even pay for a UI/UX upgrade that looks similar to Ultimate Member because BuddyPress has more add-ons and better performance. Start a kickstarter page lol and hire an excellent UI/UX designer! BuddyPress is too popular of a plugin to have bad design.



    I fully agree with zo1234



    We’re happy for people to contribute those new UX/UI improvements then!

    Like I said before please stop slatting BP and the people that provide this very complex app for FREE for your use.

    I’m not being impolite @unrealpixel but attempting to get people to realise that the tone of the thread is not pleasant 🙂


    > Start a kickstarter page lol and hire an excellent UI/UX designer! BuddyPress is too popular of a plugin to have bad design.

    Do it then! What we provide is something that takes a lot of work to achieve and maintain and is the most unsatisfactory means of working with frontend code where we can’t go and add any custom styling as we’re bound to having to try and produce something that works with any theme layout and styling that might arise, again we do this on our own WORK time unpaid so you can understand why all we ask is that people are a little bit appreciative of those efforts 🙂



    The whole freakin Plugin needs a UI & layout makeover. It’s 2017, looks like crap vs today’s UI/UX standards.

    Try to think of BuddyPress as a foundation for your theme to style. If your site looks as bad as you describe then consider switching theme. You mentioned @buddyboss, they build some great themes that might interest you.



    I use the #1 selling wordpress theme Newspaper by tagdiv, and it’s mainly the User Profile & Registration page that can use some tweaking. Also I wish there was a way or easy way to add more user fields to the Member Directory – like a responsive and sortable table format.

    I appreciate the work that is put in to Buddy Press, the versatility of it, and that it’s a free plugin, but I think it is being short-changed by not having a premium version that can make it look ‘prettier’. Not sure who’s in charge of the business operations, but should consider a premium add-on for UI/UX. People really would pay for it. Look at Ultimate Member. Buddy Press has a leg-up on them because you have more scale-ability with all the 3rd party add-ons, better performance, and larger user base.

    I have had to paid a php guy to customize it, but I need more customizations. This is the only plugin stopping my site from blowing up. Do any of you BPers do custom work? I’ll pay for any custom work to get the layout moved around on User Profile ( + sortable table Member Directory.

    I’d go with Ultimate Member for looks alone, but it slows the crap out of my site and it doesn’t have some of the BP add-ons I want. If Buddy Press looked like UM or BuddyBoss, but kept the drop down menu user section (like Twitter), I’d be your first paying customer.



    Also I’m saying just the layout alone, not CSS. Like the User Profile buttons should be compressed/grouped more. “View/Edit” area should be compressed more. Idc about the CSS theming so much as the layout, but I don’t know enough about PHP yet to change the layout.



    There is no BuddyPress “business”.

    BuddyPress is what you make of it. Same as WordPress. WordPress provides you with a default theme and basic options, same with BuddyPress.



    I absolutely love Buddypress and have no issues with layout as that is what I am responsible for as a designer/developer.

    Personally I would have all the crew who build Buddypress over for coffee and a curry, some salsa dancing and a Chuck Norris movie.

    Yes we would discuss layout and UI, but then we would end the long night with hugs and an understanding that we all need to learn to make our websites unique in our own time so the Buddycrew can keep the machine running as smooth as possible from the inside.

    Thanks guys for Buddypress



    Btw, I never learned Php and get along cuting and pasting my way through child-themes and even I can make it look good, so do not pretend to com plain about something you do not know how to use.
    CSS and a bit of rearranging of code can achieve miracles, you just need vision, the main ingredient that makes a well designed internet pie.



    “Btw, I never learned Php and get along cuting and pasting my way through child-themes and even I can make it look good, so do not pretend to com plain about something you do not know how to use.
    CSS and a bit of rearranging of code can achieve miracles, you just need vision, the main ingredient that makes a well designed internet pie.”

    I’m sorry for ‘complaining’ about the #1 social plugin with hundreds of thousands of downloads, that has a UI from 2008. This is just long overdue, and someone needed to say it. I’d love to spend hours learning PHP, but I have to think about my entire site operations – business, getting investors, visual design, some coding, SEO, content writing, research, etc. It’s not always feasible. The User Profile page needs a complete overhaul! If I draw it out, can someone code the layout. I’ll pay you!! lol. Make some money off your BuddyPress PHP skills. User Management plugins (many) are lacking!



    Try posting your requirements on the BP Jobs Board. There might be a developer there who’ll help you.



    Okay again I know BP is straving for compatibility.
    But if a theme does not have the style.css where is the ability to edit the registration fields?



    Hey, do a shortcode for registration form!
    We will insert it in a full width page, and this would be it!
    As I understand the page hierarchy, it can be all pages with sidebar or without.
    Where is the third option?

    Will this help?

    .registration #buddypress {
    width: 100% !important;
    .page-id-64 div#right-sidebar {
    display: none;
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