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Registration via BuddyPress won't work

  • @mawe4585



    i installed WP and after that BuddyPress.
    i also installed the plugin “WP piwik”

    now i want to use the registration-form of BuddyPress.
    so i created an emtpy page with the name Registration(lower-case in the permalink) and assigned it to the register-page in the BuddyPress Settings.

    i also allowed registration for all.

    the registration page behaves like this:

    the page opens if i click on “register”.
    i can enter all my data.
    after i click on submit, the browser sends a post and returns to the registration-page still having all the data, with both password-fields empty.
    the “manage singups” table is still empty.

    every new attempt ends the same way.

    i deactivated all plugins.
    i use wenty fourteen theme.

    don’t know what is wrong here..

    ah yeah.. i installed it on localhost:40080 since port 80 is already used by another application.
    path is d:\xampp\htdocs\wordpress\…

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  • @henrywright


    It’s interesting there has been two reports of this happening over the past week. The common ground seems to be localhost (you’re running Xampp and the second reporter is running mamp)




    and how are you handling dns in that environment? what’s the site url?



    i think i found my problem.

    in bp-core-functions.php there is this part:

    // Nonce check failed
    if ( empty( $result ) || empty( $action ) || ( strpos( $matched_url, $home_url ) !== 0 ) ) {
    $result = false;

    i wrote $matched_url and $home_url to the log-file and TADAA
    $matched_url = http://localhost:40080:40080/wordpress
    $home_url = http://localhost:40080/wordpress

    Yes, twice the port in matched_url.
    This seems odd to me, can anyone say if it is correct this way, or if it is a bug?



    Any news? Who is reading this?



    I just ionstalled BuddyPress on a Server without different Port and it works fine there.
    So i guess that is what causing it.
    What the bug is exactly, that i don’t know. but it has something to do with the port i think.



    I just ionstalled BuddyPress on a Server without different Port

    What does this mean? Im having the same problem and i dont understant what “without different port” means?

    PLEASE help




    The default port of HTTP/Apache is Port 80.
    Since this Port is already used on my computer i installed Apache on another port.

    URL then looks like: http://localhost:12345/
    where 12345 is the port i used instead of 80.
    if you use port 80 you don’t have to write ist, you just can write http://localhost/

    With any port other than 80 i had the problem described above.
    As soon as i switched to port 80 it worked fine.

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