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Regular users can’t post status updates

  • @nomiscomwd


    Hi everyone.

    I have problems with BuddyPress. If admin posts an status update to his profile the update shows and everything works normally. However, none other member of the community can post status updates.

    They can write in the box and press the button post, but it just reloads the page and the post isn’t published. All the new members have the role of Contributor (I tried with other roles as well, but it’s also not working). However like I said if the admin of the site is posting a status update the post is published and visible.

    Can someone help with some solution or what am I missing? Any suggestions are welcome.

    Thank a lot in advance.

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  • @nomiscomwd





    I am now having the exact same issue.

    Does anyone have an answer to this?



    Think I just figured it out. If anyone runs into this mini-heart attack situation as well– the following function I had deployed to prevent users getting to back-end was causing it for me somehow. Removing it until I can determine issue:

    function wpse66093_no_admin_access() {
        $redirect = home_url( '/' );
        if ( ! ( current_user_can( 'manage_options' ) || current_user_can( 'edit_lp_courses' ) ) )
            exit( wp_redirect( $redirect ) );
    add_action( 'admin_init', 'wpse66093_no_admin_access', 100 );



    I am having this issue today. I don’t know what I did or how to fix it. I have been turning off plugins to try to see issues there, I have purged caches and tried a million different things. I don’t know what broke.

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