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Relate commenter name with user profile

  • enad12


    Hello I have a woocommerce site linked to buddypress through the woocommerce buddypress integration plug in. I also have installed the YITH Advanced Reviews premium and the Disqus plug in.

    I ak having 2 problems>

    -The commenter name on the YITH Advanced Review system os not acting as a link to the user profile on BP, although on the disqus plug in it works as I need.

    -When I post something through the disqus system, it also appears on the YITH review plug in, and with a rate of 0 stars, so it affects a lot the product grade.

    Any idea how to solve my problem? I already tried looking the code of the plug ins, trying to identify the part that sets the names as links, but I dont really know a lot about php.

    how should I start?
    Thanks !!

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  • shanebp


    Have you tried asking the authors of YITH Advanced Reviews how to change the commenter link?

    Since it’s a premium plugin, I doubt you will find an answer on this forum.



    Hello @shanebp I asked, but he sais its not a feature supported by him or his plugin, but that it was possible with some mods. Unfortunately I am not very good with code. I tried to indentif where in the code the disqus plug in do it in order to copy t somehow to the YITH plug in, but I had no luck. I think I will give it a shot again tomorrow.

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