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Remove Blog from Search Bar

  • @henrybaum


    Given that I don’t allow new blog registration, having Blog in the search bar drop-down (which includes members, groups, forums, and blogs) is going to confuse people. Any way to set this so it’s for Posts instead and searches on-site blog posts?

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  • @henrybaum


    Amending this issue – the blog search should work to search the one blog affiliated with the site – the main URL – but searching via blog comes up with nothing, regardless of the search string.



    OK, progress. It’s in bp-core-templatetags.php

    if ( function_exists( ‘bp_blogs_install’ ) ) {

    $selection_box .= ‘<option value=”blogs”>’ . __( ‘Blogs’, ‘buddypress’ ) . ‘</option>’;


    I can delete that, but any idea how to configure this so that the drop down allows a search of posts, rather than blogs?



    The value is what’s important, not what’s between the option tags. You could easily change it to something like this.

    <option value="blogs">Posts</option>



    But that still searches blogs, not posts (and nothing comes up for blogs anyway, no matter what the search). I’d be happy with a sitewide search including members, forums, and groups, and posts and list it as Site.




    I’m also looking for the same. Please share here if you find solution for that.



    Ok,here is the solution.

    This will sllow user to search for the blog posts on the main site only.

    I have used two hooks to accomplish the purpose.

    put this code in either bp-custom.php or in functions.php of your current theme. No core modification is required.

    //filter the allowed search type
    function bpdev_allowed_search_type($selecttion_box_old){
    //ignore the selection box
    $selection_box = '<select name="search-which" id="search-which" style="width: auto">';

    if ( function_exists( 'xprofile_install' ) ) {
    $selection_box .= '<option value="members">' . __( 'Members', 'buddypress' ) . '</option>';

    if ( function_exists( 'groups_install' ) ) {
    $selection_box .= '<option value="groups">' . __( 'Groups', 'buddypress' ) . '</option>';

    if ( function_exists( 'bp_forums_setup' ) && !(int) get_site_option( 'bp-disable-forum-directory' ) ) {
    $selection_box .= '<option value="forums">' . __( 'Forums', 'buddypress' ) . '</option>';
    //here we modify the thing to a new type posts
    $selection_box .= '<option value="posts">' . __( 'Blog', 'buddypress' ) . '</option>';

    $selection_box .= '</select>';
    return $selection_box;
    //let us filter the search action urls
    function bpdev_filter_search_url($search_url){
    //if user is searching for main site content, modify url else return url
    $search_terms = $_POST['search-terms'];
    $search_which = $_POST['search-which'];
    $search_url=site_url( "?s=". urlencode($search_terms) );
    return $search_url;



    Tried that. No go.



    What about Brajesh’s solution doesn’t work for you? I just implemented virtually the same thing (without the filtering of the search action urls) and the drop down box only contains Members/Groups/Forums now.

    Brajesh: what does the search action url filter do? I’m not following the intent.





    let me clarify

    My Intention was You do not need to modify the core.

    To change the dropdown box, I have used the filter “bp_search_form_type_select”

    and since buddypress traps the search url and makes a redirect accordingly, so “bp_core_search_site” works with that and redirects correctly.

    @henrybaum, what Is appearing in your drop down box(Is it members, groups, forums, Blog), select blog and try the search. Is buddypress on your root domain.

    PS:Please Note if you have put the code correctly, The ‘Blogs’ will be replaced by ‘Blog’



    Thanks for the info Brajesh. Your solution makes sense to me now. :)

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