BuddyPress doesn’t handle post comments.
As you’re certainly using a premium theme (your picture is stored by that theme support), they have to tell you how you can deactivate those comments on BP pages.
You paid a licence with included support. And we have no free access to the theme, so it’s quite impossible to tell you exactly what to do.
If they don’t give you support, change your theme or find by yourself. Sorry for that.
Technically, you have to create a child-theme first. Add a copy of the original page.php of your theme and remove the part related to comments.
Which part precisely, or even a specifif function of your theme is impossible to say, as we have no information. And you didn’t tell which theme you’re using.
Search for similar question on the forum, you’ll probably find some.
I solved the problem but it removes all comments on all pages. So I spent my pages where I wanted to comment on articles.
Page.php in your theme:
<?php // comments_template('',true); ?>
// put the comments in the code.
If I suppressed this line, the bar at the top buddypress don’t work and menu …
Thank you;)
9 years, 10 months ago
I want to remove in the code buddypress the comments at the bottom of the page.
I have a conflict with my theme (the theme support does not help for that).
On all pages buddypress, comments enabled or not in the administration pannel display all comments of the entire website.
See image:
My solution would be to remove the display comments in buddypress.
How to do?
thank you