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Remove ‘deactivated blog posts’ from the recent blog posts widget?

  • @anointed


    Here is what the problem is.

    A user created a blog on my site.

    I did not want that blog on my site so I went to the admin and deleted it.

    That part worked.

    Here is the big problem:

    The article headlines still show up in the ‘recent blog posts’ on the homepage, and also in the users wire.

    Why did the information not get erased from these areas? and where in the admin do I go to remove the blurbs?

    This can be a SERIOUS problem to us for a few reasons.

    1. being a religious website, we get some pretty horrible spam at times from disgruntled users. If we don’t have an easy way of removing the links from the site entirely, our userbase will stop trusting me and dry up very very fast.

    2. being a religious site, we do everything we can to keep it safe for kids to come. A good portion of our members are kids or teenagers.

    Same problem as above only once in awhile we get those that like to spam us with porn pics. This causes serious problems for a ‘kids’ site, and we are directly liable for anything posted.


    How do I go about setting it up so that any of my moderators on my website can remove anything inappropriate as I am not always online?

    For all the reading I have done these past few months, I have yet to come across any type of ‘moderators’ type plugin for mu, where at the very least they can ‘unpublish’ an article, or force it to go into an admin review process.

    thank you

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  • @burtadsit


    bp stores information related to the blog you deleted and also for the user. To get rid of all the info that the user has generated you have to delete the user in wpmu Site Admin > Users. Deleting the user will remove from bp:

    * all profile data for the user

    * all recent blog post records for the user

    * all blog post comments for the user

    * all sitewide activity items for the user

    * it flushes the cache

    * all group memberships for the user

    * all friendships for the user

    You can grant additional users the site admin role in Site Admin > Options > Site Admins

    List the user login names you\\\’d like to have that role. Site admins are the only users that can go on any blog and delete a post. Deleting a post from a blog removes the recent blog post record and the activity for that post.



    What version are you on RC1? If you upgrade to the latest trunk it will remove all recent blog posts and activity as well for the blog.



    I just had the ‘bleeding edge’ upgrade completed a few hours ago. Prior to that I am unsure what vs. I was using.

    As to admin rights:

    Is it possible to have a usergroup that can ‘moderate’ the posts on any forum but do nothing else like touch the plugins, themes etc?

    I’d like to have 2 groups,

    admins that can erase posts

    mods that can ‘suspend’ posts or unpublish them, and have a message sent to the site admin that the content was inappropriate etc… Kind of how like vbulletin does things. We have warning systems, mods, admins, super-admins, etc… I am able to create custom groups with custom permissions etc, to allow them to do only things I want. This has saved my butt more times than I care to talk about.

    As to deleting the user:

    For the most part I wouldn’t want to be that drastic.

    I have many people that come to the forums, and post stuff that I don’t agree with, or don’t really believe belongs on my site. They are usually well meaning people, but have much lower standards than I try to keep up with on my site. These people I usually just make part of a separate group, with very few permissions, like only able to post in certain forums, no pm system etc….

    Usually I can ‘work’ with them, to let them know what I found offensive, and many times the problem does not come up again. If I had simply banned them, then very few people would survive on my site.

    There are the people that just come in to spam our site from time to time. Those people I have no problem simply deleting.

    I hope what I am trying to express makes sense.



    I’m confused as to where you want this moderation to occur. In wpmu or bbpress? These are two different software packages with two different sets of roles. There are administrative roles available in both.



    I am talking about wpmu and buddypress.

    Sorry if I made it confusing by mentioning vb, as I was only using it as an example of what I was trying to explain.



    If you want moderators for wpmu, add new admins or new collaborators to your mu

    if you want moderators for group forums, you’ve to add new moderators in bbpress (or vb)



    People seem to use the role manager plugin for this kind of use Anointed. There are lots of this type of plugin available for wp.

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