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remove xprofile ”name” from registration form?

  • freque.unce


    Hi, my registration has 2 similar options: username (user_login) and name (displayname). The second option is returned from xprofiles, I believe. I’d like to remove the “name” option, and have it clone the username for this value, as if I had created the user from the dashboard and omitted the “real name.” I’m having trouble finding out how this is done. Can someone point me in the right direction?

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  • freque.unce


    I changed register.php to display profile group 3 (optional profile fields I added via dash) instead of 1, to hide the required displayname option on signup, which forces it to clone username data by default. I then removed the ability to change names in xprofiles’ edit.php (with if/else, statements on textbox & submit button for profile group 1).

    Those 2 steps take care of all future occurances, so I then went in and changed all of my existing users’ display names to match their usernames, manually, via the dashboard.

    Problem solved. More of a substitute than a removal, but it works for me. Hopefully someone will find this useful.



    @frequeunce thank you so much i’m going to try this

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