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Removing Activiation

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    How do you stop BuddyPress from requiring email activation?

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  • @djpaul


    The same way you stop WordPress MU from requiring email activation.


    I feel stupid asking this, but I cant find the option ):



    You’ll have to manually override MU’s email activation functions.

    It’s not something you can turn off in the WPMU admin backend I’m afraid.



    Any tutorials or help on this!?





    Nice, Brajesh!

    Have you updated your auto-activate plugin lately?

    In your comments, you mention you were going to update the plugin in November, but the last update was in October.

    Also, has using this plugin affected spam registrations for you, Brajesh?



    hi Ray


    I think, I recall it working, as one of the minor tweaked version of it is live on my other site with bp 1.1.3 and does not sends mail to the user.

    still I will love to hear feedback,whether the version available there is working for bp 1.3 or not. If it is sending mail, please let me know if any of you test it, I will make some the modifications .




    Hey Brajesh,

    I just checked out the auto-activate plugin and I can confirm what Pierre said that it does send an activation email even though the user account is already activated.

    Also, I just checked out since you have the plugin running on your site and I’ve noticed a lot of spam registrations there!

    Perhaps you need to add some anti-spam prevention of some kind to your BP install.

    And also, as a courtesy, on the plugin release page, you should add a warning to enable some type of anti-spam solution on the user’s BP install (particularly in production environments).



    i just installed this system, and yes it send the validation email, so the users may be compromised in error…

    on my side i added a TOS plugin *(my own), so people have to check it and the input name have a name the bots are not recognising so they do not check it before registration…



    There is a WPMU plugin that does auto activation. Don’t recall the name but I’ve used it and it works.



    @nexia, any chance you can share this TOS plugin?



    +1 to @nexia sharing the TOS plugin! I’ve got a 3/4-built plugin but I’ve been putting off the extra work I’d need to do to make it viable



    I’ve got a TOS plugin on my test environment working as well.

    It’s a modified version of Andrew Billits’ BuddyPress Terms of Service plugin:

    I’ve cleaned up the code and modified it to work with the BP 1.1 series.

    If nexia’s version is better than Andrew’s, then he can release his, otherwise I can release the updated version.

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