Removing content filter on registration page
I am building a site that requires a complex registration form. The form has been built in Gravity Forms and embedded in the page content of the registration page. I then had the below code hooked onto
:function remove_buddypress_registration_form() { $bp_pages = get_option( 'bp-pages' ); if( is_page( $bp_pages['register'] ) ) { remove_filter( 'bp_template_include', 'bp_template_include_theme_compat', 4 ); } }
And it worked. The BP registration form was removed and the post content was displayed. But now that doesn’t work and I can’t really figure out why that would be. Even when I revert to the commit that I set it all up, it still doesn’t work. Obviously the ID of the page is being nuked by
, but I guess my real question is why BP wouldn’t be running that before and now it is. There hasn’t even been an update since I wrote that code
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