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Removing friend requests from the Activity Feed

  • @pointeandshoot


    I have a new install of BuddyPress and my users are friending each other left and right. The only bad thing is that the Activity Feed is flooded with X and Y are now friends, and all other activity is lost. Is there any way to prevent these posts from showing up in the activity feed?

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  • @shanebp


    To prevent new entries, try adding this to your theme functions.php
    remove_action( 'bp_register_activity_actions', 'friends_register_activity_actions' );



    @shanebp – I was trying looking for my old posts on the couple of plugin options for this (which I think are outdated given that there are newer ways of handling this in bp now) – and then looking for this in the documentation. Is “bp_register” and list of other things that can be removed using this syntax published in the documentation somewhere?

    On a couple of sites I’d like to remove the old bp-activity-stream-filtering plugins I was using and change this over. One site I am trying to limit the display / activity stream recording of “now friends” – but also things like “changed profile pic” – on another site trying to limit “joined group X” and “added a photo”.

    Would love to see an updated write up on this, and I thought there was one, but now I can’t find it.

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