p.s. If this helps, here’s what I was told by my theme designer:
“Ask if there is a conditional statement from BuddyPress that lets the page know the page is a group forum directory. Once you get the conditional statement open page.php and find:
`ID, ‘ghostpool_layout’, true) == “Full Width”) { ?>`
Replace with:
`ID, ‘ghostpool_layout’, true) == “Full Width” OR is_group_forum()) { ?>`
Where is_group_forum() is the conditional statement.
Anyone haz any insight to this? I tried using the conditional statement: `bp_is_group_forum()` where suggested but that didn’t seem to do the trick. I really want to make my main forum directory be a full width listing if possible, removing the sidebar on that page.
If this is possible, please advise? 
You could try:
`ID, ‘ghostpool_layout’, true) == “Full Width” || bp_is_forum_component() && bp_is_directory() )`
You might need to play around with the order of those queries though and I’m not sure what that custom conditional is working on so can’t be sure that is all that is required, does it wrap the sidebar call? The reference to page.php is odd as this doesn’t have anything to do with BP forums the BP forums directory is under the /forums folder index.php
Thanks @hnla – I’ll try your suggestions. I appreciate the help