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Repair not working on registration and activation pages

  • @digitalitea


    I have just installed BuddyPress but the registration and activation pages did not install.
    I have switched back to the defaut 2015 theme and enabled registration in general settings.
    I have a message in the BuddyPress pages section that says “The following active BuddyPress Components do not have associated WordPress Pages: Activate, Register. Repair”
    When I click repair nothing happens, please help?

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  • @danbp


    You can create those page manually.
    I recommend you to read attentively the install guide.



    Right now at version 2.31 there are no saved buttons at components and pages that’s reason I cant saved them as 2.30 has both buttons



    you can see with no button in them



    The following active BuddyPress Components do not have associated WordPress Pages: Activate, Register. Repair

    Those pages are not created automatically. When you get this error message, you have to create the pages manually first.

    Go back to bp settings > pages tab and allocate the new pages to the respective component. Save.

    You have also to set pretty permalinks to something other thant “by default”. Save.

    Now BP has his page assigned and should work.

    About the missing button.
    Clear your browser cache.
    If you use a cache plugin, clear it.
    Go to wp-config.php and activate debug mode at the end of the file.

    Deactivate all plugins except BP and activate one of WP’s theme (2015, 2014 or 2013…)

    See if you get some error message and correct the errors (if exist).

    If after tracking/repairing errors, the button is still not showing, deactivate buddypress, delete it and upload a fresh copy of BuddyPress to your site. Sometimes files can be corrupted and need to be replaced. No worry, this will not affect any data in your DB.

    If still nothing, check that your host plan has the required php version to be used with WP and BP: at least 5.2.4

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