Not sure what you are asking. You want to replace the blog avatar in what location with what instead?
hi, The blog widget that displays the latest posts along with the avatar of the author is the one I’m talking about.
Oh, I see the ‘recent posts’ widget. Ok.
You’ll have to change line 36 in bp-blogs-widgets.php which looks like this now:
<a href="<?php echo bp_post_get_permalink( $post, $post->blog_id ) ?>" title="<?php echo apply_filters( 'the_title', $post->post_title ) ?>"><?php echo bp_core_get_avatar( $post->post_author, 1 ) ?></a>
That spot at the end there <?php echo bp_core_get_avatar( $post->post_author, 1 ) ?> is the author’s avatar. Replace that code with something that detects an image thumbnail if it exists and switch between the thumbnail and the author avatar.
Thanks for that. I’ll have a bash later.
How about if I wanted to get a custom field from another blog? How would I pull that field?
field is syndication_permalink