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  • @skittles


    Not to sure how much work or if this is even possible but it would be great for me and my site if there was a cup plugin where you could add in certain/selected groups as teams and have the group stages and knock out stages shown as an output. I have seen simular things for wordpress but just wondered if there was anything or any plans for something like this.

    Wishlist features would include something along the lines of:
    Admin: add group to pool (groups are basically teams so you decide on which ones to enter, Ive created a set number of groups for this)
    User: Join Player group to be eligable to play
    Admin: Announce to group when enough players are registered
    Admin: define max users for group containing player pool
    Admin: Define groups to be used as teams
    Admin: Random all players into teams(groups) from the players group
    Admin: Random all teams into tables
    Admin: create table (say 4,8,16,32)
    Admin: define table size (say 3-9)
    Admin: define if 1st or 1st and 2nd place teams get placed into knockout stage
    Admin: define points for win, loss or draw
    User: submit match results with uploaded screenshot for approval
    Admin: approve match results
    Output: Player stats based on kill to death ratio
    Output: Table stage
    Output: Knockout stage
    Output: ranked team list as they finished only from knockout stage
    Widget: approved match results (say latest 5)

    Or even something a little more basic that just showed the knockout and preliminary stages as a results page maybe. I dont know just would be ideal to have something as a plugin rather than hosting it on an external site

    Possible achivments could be:
    team award for qualifying to knock out stage
    team award for finishing the cup 1st, 2nd, 3rd
    team award for participating in cup
    player award for participating as part of a team
    player award for Most kills
    player Award for Most Deaths
    player award for most assists
    player award for finishing in rankings 1st, 2nd 3rd 4th or 5th
    and so on…

    examples for prilimary/table stage output:

    example of knockout stage output:

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