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[Resolved] bb-press Site-Wide Forum setup – forum menu tab displays blank page

  • @tibbles


    Theme BuddyPress Default with 0 Widgets
    You are using WordPress 3.3.2.

    I’ve installed the bb-press. (have latest buddypress version) Could not see forum tab on menu. Trouble-shooting answer was to disassociate the wordpress page. Now could see the forum tab on menu. Created a new forum and saved. But the forum menu tab when clicked just results in a blank page with the name ‘forums’ as the page title. Obviously can’t find the directory…

    I’ve created a forum and this is the permalink (I shortened the last bit to read ‘ecap’)
    Why are there two forum directories?

    I can ‘view’ the forum from within the admin panel and this is the top:-
    ECAP – Exceptional Cancer Patients

    Welcome › Forums › ECAP – Exceptional Cancer Patients

    But there are no options to create a forum (so how can users create a forum? And of course the menu tab ‘forums’ when clicked just leads to a blank page.

    Please help. Don’t know what is wrong. Thank you.

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  • @aro747


    Go to Pages, All Pages, and locate the page titled Forums. Edit that page and place this code there:



    Thank you very much!

    The forum page now displays with the one forum topic I created.
    Now how do logged in users create a forum? There is no option to create a new forum.
    Or is it only the site admin that can create a forum?



    Ignore last request. Sorry I’m being dumb. All is well. Again, thank you for the help!

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