You’ll need to do something like identify the field in question i.e a check to see if that field is being displayed in the edit loop and then wrap it in a user capability check for admin only, but you’ll need a little php knowledge to do this.
Hi Hugo,
Thanks for the reply. Understand what I need to do, but my PHP skills are still a work in progress. Do you have links to any samples and I will try to put somethign together.
Finally sorted something out.
Add the following to your edit.php file:
<?php if(bp_get_current_profile_group_id()==2)
> //change this to the group id you want to restrict
These field have been locked by the Administrator. //or whatever you want to say
Fix this line to include the “<?php" before the if like so:
`<?php if ( bp_has_profile( 'profile_group_id=' . bp_get_current_profile_group_id() ) ) :`
insert this to the second last line: