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[Resolved] Forums Not Finding Topics at all. Unable to post.

  • @tagtomat


    I am up and running on the Buddypress, but none of my users are able to post topics nor am I as the admin.

    I get this error when pressing the “new topic” button in a Group.
    “Sorry, there were no new topics found”

    The same message appears if I go to the Forum page, where alle post should be collected. Right?

    In the browser it appears “” so somehow the Buddypress makes a “#post-new” command, but nothing happens.

    Hope someone has the solution, or where to look for trouble shooting.

    Best regards
    Mads Boserup Lauritsen
    Copenhagen, Denmark

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  • @karmatosed


    Hi, just took a look at your site and my first thought would be to try deactivating some plugins – I see quite a few javascript errors going on and it may be one of those is not playing nicely with your posting or something is misfiring. It’s kind of the first port of call but one I think may at least rule out some things to look into this further.

    I’d also suggest you check your permlinks are saved (or resave just to be sure) and your BuddyPress pages all linked up under settings – did you do that as part of the configuration?



    Hi, thx for your advice.

    I am gettings this far now, after deactiviating almost all plugins.

    I am now able to se the “post topic” with “Title, Content and Tags”. But when I press the Post Topic, I get this error marked in red

    “This group does not have a forum setup yet.”

    When you say I need to check permalinks, I checked under permalin settings, pressed save changes and got this messag “Permalink structure updated.”

    Suggestions more than welcome to get further ;-)



    Solved my problem with help from this thread

    Post 7 from @Deleted User solved my problem.

    1. Unchecking the forums component in the BuddyPress Component settings page.
    2. Renaming bb-config.php in your WordPress installation root directory to something else (making BuddyPress believe that bbPress is not installed).
    3. Re-checking the forums component in the BuddyPress Component settings page.
    4. Re-installing the group forum component in the BuddyPress Settings “Forum” tab.

    Hope this can help someone else as well, was really frustrating not being able to post anything.

    I can ad, that on each group setting I had to uncheck and recheck the “enable forum”

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