13 years, 5 months ago
So I am trying do something such as:
`<a href="messages/inbox”>Inbox`
It doesn’t work.
For example if I am on the page of website/forums/activity that following link will take me to website/forums/activity/inbox.
It should take me to website/members/user/messages/inbox/
Whats going on with this link?
bump. can i please get some help with this issue
I use
`<a href="/members/display_name; echo $userName;?>/messages/inbox”>My Mail`
and it appears to work.
but this could be refined by someone who knows how to do these things. I’m making it up as i go.
@valuser – The code snippet doesn’t work because of the poorly formed url link. Did you mean:
`<a href="/members/display_name /messages/inbox”>My Mail`
in that case you wouldn’t need display name – how ever the echo part does not echo a user name at all. in fact all I get is members/display_name/activity
try this just might work-please let me know
`<a href="”>My Mail`
Copied from https://plugins.svn.wordpress.org/buddybar-widget/trunk/buddybar-widget.php
`<a href="”>Messages` or `<a href="”>Inbox`
`<a href="/sentbox”>Sent`
and so on
@valuser – Thank you so much it worked