Firstly searching the site will possibly throw up past threads on the subject, try: ‘private profile’
Or you could check how certain aspects of bp work that only kick in when the user has logged in ( look in sidebar.php for examples of logic that checks if a user is logged in) using that logic you could take the main home page for members profiles and wrap it a conditional query that says ‘show: member profile if user is logged in else: write a polite message explaining profiles are restricted to members and provide a link to registration page.
Sorry but I haven’t got a clue what a conditional query is..or a wrap around for that matter,
before I get told off again, tell me, is there a help section for newbies here that do NOT understand code and anything associate with it? because up until now everyone that replies to me ‘assumes’ that I’m some sort of computer whiz kid that totally gets what all of this code ‘jargon means’..NOT lol
For the record I did do a ‘search’ for this issue, and a lot of the posts relating to my query are like a year old.
I’ve tried adjusting the settings in my admin area to restrict commenting to members only..alas there is no setting to restrict the viewing of members profiles in a similar fashion.
For the record I did actually try using a profile privacy plugin..but it did not work properly.
You’re not going to get told off again
but I’m afraid you are asking coding questions, questions about how to adapt and modify a site and that requires a little coding knowledge, not everything is plugin based – although a lot is.
Sorry pcwriter but don’t link to W3Schools it’s not that great a site and we forbade it’s mention on csscreator years ago
One of the best resources for frontend coding is htmldog
I’m closing this thread as you have received the answer on the other, if the code pcwriter has shown you foxes you please ask in that thread for further explanation.
For the record try not to open duplicate posts on the same question as it can cause confusion and is wasteful of forum resources.