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Root blog

  • @protesta


    The issue exists for both the buddybar Nd the WP adminbar.
    I have WPMU 3.3.1′ BP 1.5.4
    When on another site than the primary blog.the activity, group, etc links try to resolve on the current blog instead of going to the correct page on the primary blog.
    Have tries to set blog id and enable multisite to correct this issue, without any change. Attempted to use Redirectmatch and it just broke the installation.
    This is a major issue.
    Would be perfectly fine with enabling multiblog if it would work.

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  • @protesta


    Would also be fine with moving the buddypress pages to a secondary blog. The issue with this currently is that the pages would not resolve even once they were created and accepted by the install.



    Have you enabled BP_ENABLE_MULTIBLOG by chance?



    I made the attempt and then had to remove the code. the .htaccess description is not clear enough as i have multisite install. i did place the bp_enable_multiblog in the wp-config.php file.

    to further clarify the secondary blog issue. when the blog id is changed the links do go to that blog but cannot access the pages ultimately resolving to the home page of that blog. once there the pages still cannot be accessed.



    i have what i believe to be a simple asnwer especially considering the changes coming to the buddybar in version 1.6.

    i can create my own perpetual menu. the issue is the required string for the username to automatically login and be brought to the correct member page.

    example would be

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