thanks! it offers new possibilities
both: plugin and bp-tricks website ….
i would like to be able to assign the stream, where external feeds show up (blog, page or group) – possible?
Glad you like it! What do you mean exactly with assigning a stream?
Hey @bowromir -wow, I missed this somehow… Great plugin as well!!! … I think roman means can we (in a future update) choose a group for the stream to import into rather/AND/OR than the main activity stream. I could see that as being extremely useful as well. Again, nice job. You should submit this to the repository …. or if it is –> I was not able to find it as I just searched for a similar plugin about a week ago.
yeah! thats exactly what i meant
sorry for being in a rush and writing encrypted. it would be great to have the possibilty (best would be on user’s side) to assign the rss-stream to a certain group-activity, rather than flushing (“spaming”) the main activity stream.
@bowromir: indeed nice job, my commendation! @pisanojm: what kinf of plugins di you found, are they fullfilling your needs?
best regards
I’ve got a copy where you can attach RSS feeds to a group but the only problem is that you need to create a user that will publish the items. I’ve created a dummy user eg “RSS Feeder” and that user publishes the RSS feeds to the group. I know…not very practical but it works.
email me at antonrsa[at] if you want the plugin.
hi again! i found the following plugin, which indeed really does what i expected: it streams rss feed’s to a group, giving the group administrators the possibily to edit the list of streams. -> External Group Blogs
@anton: the mentioned plugin should do it perfect for me, but thanks anyway.
I was not a fan of that plugin in it’s current state… it’s formatting does not look good when dumped to the activity stream — it needs to be updated. There also wasn’t enough control for me… It would be nice to limit the amount of imports it pulls per feed and set pull times, without having to edit the code. I just didn’t have the time to mess with it. I am sure; however, that many people are using it. It would be nice to see the development on it continued and it continued to be refined… I may revisit it…
Hi guys,
Glad everyone is liking the plugin!
@pisanojm: it’s a forked plugin from Andy’s External Group Blogs, but it has been updated and modified by Marshall ( @MrMaz). It will be added to the plugin repo, but we’re working on something else which will “compliment” this plugin, so we haven’t added it yet. Please leave your feature requests for this plugin in the comments section, so we can add them in the future.
This plugin we be extended upon for sure, we just have to finish some other (much cooler!) BuddyPress stuff first. So it might take a while, but the ideas proposed in this thread are certainly kept in mind for future updates 
yeah we are riding on the shoulders of giants! @bowe: thanks, i think we’ll all hang in there for future updates. – to be continued in comments section…