“How to and troubleshooting” ok?
moved. You trying to automate me out of this cushy job I got?
Sorry can’t help with the feeds issue. I haven’t used them yet.
I had a ticket in Trac about the feeds not working and somewhere along the way, it started working for me. Andy saw the same thing and closed the ticket today. Are you using the latest SVN as of now? 840 at time of this post. Clear cache if you have it operating!
I’ll jump to r840 later tonight. Just to clarify – the main site feed (which I think looks at the blog) works. It’s /activity/feed that seems to be malfunctioning.
Will report back later after I upgrade.
OK – on r840 – no change.
Couple of observations:
1. Feed can be added to Mac RSS client (netnewswire) without error but items do not load. Feed items do not show.
2. Feed can be displayed within Firefox (although items seem duplicated – http://img.skitch.com/20090113-8ki2p4w355n36ewgu21se4psrh.jpg)
3. Following 2. – when a feed is then added to a reader, it gives a “feed not found” error.
4. Feed does not validate because of a 404 error ( http://img.skitch.com/20090113-1dcuaxyqf4u5stbcexuqypmxk7.jpg )
Any ideas?
I opened a trac ticket to make sure it doesn’t fall through the cracks.
Hi Guys,
Has anyone done anything more with this bug? I’m not getting anything when I click the rss link on any page – it takes me to a blank page e.g. http://sitename.org/activity/feed
I’m using the beta 2 download of buddy press and have it integrated with MU 2.7 svn. I updated everything (from scratch) on Friday as I broke my integration with BBpress for the forums on the first install.
BTW, RSS didn’t work the last time I installed it either – i was running the last version of MU 2.6.5 and god knows what svn of BP – I’m using both firefox 3 and IE7 if that makes any diff? I also have gears installed.
I just tried this in Safari and it returned this error:
‘Safari can’t open the page “http://sitename.org/members/membername/activity/feedâ€. The error was: “unknown error†(CFURLErrorDomain:302)’
I hope that helps?
Cheers (and thanks for an AWESOME piece of kit!)
Howdy people. I’m gonna take a look at the rss feed problem today. Took two days off for the first time in months. Feeling all irresponsible. I accepted this ticket in trac and I guess I better go hunt down the problem with feeds in bp.
On my way.
Hi Burtadsit,
I can show you the probs i’m experiencing if you like – I’m avail by email and msn messenger phil {@} reprocessor {dot} com. I’ll give you the site address so you can have a play if you like?
Hello, I’m getting a page not found error for my sitewide feed, but all other seem to be working. Anyone experiencing this, or have any ideas.
It is not a 404, I see the feed wants to be there, but say page not found instead of feed entries…?
Ya, the same thing is happening on my site using buddypress. Site wide activity’s RSS is not loading.
the same for me, you can check here: http://wikiroma.it/index.php
users’s feeds work fine, but the site activity feed seems to be empty
sorry, i was talking about the bp “site activity” feed that does not work, not about the wpmu rss feed
In the mu-plugins folder you find the buddypress activity plugin.
It has a subfolder called feeds.
Al three of them use
header(‘status: 200 OK’);
But it should be
header(‘http/1.1 200 OK);
It worked for me