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Running BuddyPress on a local server

  • @carsten-lund


    Hi, I am trying to run BuddyPress on a localhost server. Everything regarding WordPress is running smooth, and all pages and permalinks are pointing to the localhost.

    But entering BuddyPress content links like Profile, Notifications, Messages and Settings, returns an: Object not found!
    The requested URL was not found on this server.
    Error 404.

    This is also the case when trying to view members, register and activate pages in the BuddyPress dashboard.

    Have anyone in here experienced and found a solution to this issue?


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  • @carsten-lund


    I got a little further on this topic myself and found out that some apache modules in the httpd.conf file should be enabled.

    Here’s a description:
    1. Open apache’s configuration file using your favorite text editor. The configuration file generally locates at:{apache_dir}/conf/httpd.conf
    2. If you are using XAMPP or WAMP package then you will find the file at:{xampp_dir}/apache/conf/httpd.conf
    Search for the following string:#LoadModule rewrite_module modules/ and uncomment it (remove the ‘#’ sign).
    3. Now search for another string AllowOverride None and replace it by AllowOverride All
    4. Finally save the changes, close your text editor and restart your apache server.

    But this is not so straight forward in the new XAMPP 7.1.12-0-vm for Mac, because the apache httpd.conf file does not contain the #LoadModule rewrite_module modules/mod_rewrite strings as described above.


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