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s2member and Buddypress Member Type

  • kevins1553


    Is there a plugin that restricts Buddypress Member Type from taking effect until the correct s2member level/custom capability occurs from payment?

    if (buddypress_member_type == type_1 && !s2member_level_type_1)
    //redirect to sign up page or not show up in Buddypress Profile Search for that member type
    else if (buddypress_member_type == type_2 && !s2member_level_type_2)
    //redirect to sign up page or not show up in Buddypress Profile Search for that member type

    The execution can be several things, not show up in the search, not display member type on user profile page, redirect the user only to membership signup page, etc.

    Thanks in advance.

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  • kevins1553


    I have since purchased Buddypress Member Type Pro. Now looking through it and trying to implement it, it seems that the member type drives the s2member level. Not the other way around. Did I get that right? Is there a way to use the s2member shortcodes with the Buddypress Member shortcodes?

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