You can enable search for names by putting this code in your child themes functions.php:
add_filter( 'bp_activity_get_include_user_search', 'venutius_add_name_to_search' );
function venutius_add_name_to_search( $setting ) {
return true;
Unfortunately there’s not a similar filter for the title, you could raise a feature request for this on
I added above script to the function file, but it still not searching for the name.

It worked when I did it so maybe you’ve not done it correctly?
I write in same way, as you send above in function file. But nothing worked.
All I can suggest is that you are not copying the functions.php file into the right theme directory, not likely but that could cause the new function not to be seen.
Hi there, I found another filter for you to try:
add_filter( 'bp_activity_get_include_title_search', '__return_true' );
I added the above filter to function.php file, but that’s not working at all