Search-Engine-Optimization plug-in ?
is there any SEO-plugin available which is working fine with latest BP-version ?
sorry to interfere, but i don’t get it… SEO is supposed to be based on the actual content of each page and optimize it to be more compatible with search engines… SO… why do i have to fill all these pages within the plugin? i really don’t see why we have to edit each page’s meta and tags to configure this engine… isn’t it supposed to be the opposite, the engine is built to enhance our templates without the need to interact each time…
The reason the plugin was built (I’m not the creator) was because in BP you can’t change the default [title] tags or add meta data to BP pages.
I think a BP SEO module should be a plugin, it shouldn’t be in the core.
Remember, content is king! SEO helps to some extent, but there’s no real point for SEO in social networks!
sure we need better meta tags management in BP… someone for the job?
Hi @ all, I build the Seo for Buddypress plugin.
When I saw this discussion, I decided to write an article about Seo.
(Sorry for my terrible English, I hope I will be able to bring my thinking on the point.)
First of all, Search-Engine-Optimization and Link-marketing is hart and long work.
If you aspect to do nothing and become a good ranking and search results,
forget about it.
The way google ranks content of a website is not explained in a small forum article.
But I will try to explain you the most important.
Seo is marketing ! Most keyword marketing.
So you need to have harmony between your Title, Meta Description and the Content of the page.
A clear title (for human understandable) and a real description, where the Keywords also are used in a understandable sentence.
Google knows English and many other languages. And it can realise if you wrote a real sentence, which is unique in a way and has something to do with the content of the page.
If your Title, Your Meta Description, Your Keywords (not so important any more)
are filed in correct, and the main keywords are in the title and the description and comes back in the content of the page, than google knows that this content is real and has something to say.
Google does not like generated titles and descriptions with no sense.
Or even just copying the content from the website in the description is not the way google like. Also google do not like if your description looks similar all over your site.
For example:
If we looking at the Profile Page.
If you always have the sentence:
This is a profile page from my social network for pet lovers.
Google will find this sentence with every users profile on your site.
So if you have 10 members, Google will have 10 times the same sentence.
Google won’t find this sentence attractive. It will think all your member pages are not interesting and will mark your site with duplicate description.
This will be very bad for you!
If you would write a user name in:
This is a profile page from “name”, one user of my social network for pet lovers, google would like this more.
But still the sentence is to similar. Just one word has changed.
All the other look the same. In the end google will mark your site with duplicate description
So if you would have a sentence like this:
This is “name” profile page he has a “ped”. He likes “Interests”. He comes from “…” and is looking for “…”
Google would love every user profile.
Every body has different ped’s, hobby’s, comes from different places and so on.
In this fact google would mark your profile pages as made from a human.
This is real Search-Engine-Optimization
You see what I want to explain.
Title, Meta Description and Content must be meaningful!
For this I build the Plugin.
It gives you the possibility to make a unique meaningful Title, Meta description and keywords-marketing for all sites and parts of your Social Network.
For this you have to think about every part of your website to feed the needs.
The special tags in the plugin for example group-name, user-name, event-name are your place holders to create descriptions from your content.
This plugin is in an early state.
Buddypress changed allot in the last versions, and I had enough to do to keep it working.
In the next versions I will add all the special tags, who are needed.
If all the special tags are added, I will make a global configuration.
That means If you install the plugin, a most common Seo optimization will be there.
And the Special Tags will be used by default.
Then you have your full automatic Seo optimization.
But this would be never so effective, as doing it properly by hand for every part.
At the moment, buddypress does not add descriptions and keywords at all.
So if you use the plugin and have static descriptions because of the missing special tags in this early state, don’t worry.
Its still better to have a description then have no at all.
There are many other thinks I will integrate in the Plugin in the future, xml sitemap for all buddypress sites, alt tags for images and much more…
Also I will write some more articles about Search-Engine-Optimization. If needed.
I’m looking forward to from Bowe. Maybe I will have the chance to go deeper in Search-Engine-Optimization there.
I hope I could make thinks more clear!
ALT tags and title tags of the images that appear on the home page and sub pages of buddypress sites should be taken into to consideration for an SEO plugin, or future core development. Currently my BP site rank far below other sites when you google for the actual dot com, which is also in the title in big letters with the new default bp theme. Unfortuanelty google sees a majority of my site as
“home” and “group avatar”
there should be a way to change / add title and alt tag to the large site title, and the small title in admin bar. I would also experiment with appending the site tite to some of hte other images.. it would be better for me to have:
my-dot-com-group avatar
right now if type in my dot com into google, another site shows number one result, and that site is completely blank – just an empty dot com folder – that’s my first clue that bpress seo is in need of help –
Svenl77 – even with poor english translation – you are very right about all of that – you have certainly done your seo homework!
I know some of the issue is the text content showing in recent sitewide posts is not helping, but pretty much everything else on the page is gravatar images and others that are not helping the front page to rank for it’s keywords – I could take groups and recent active members off the front page and see the effects.
I would love to know where in the theme or code it is controlling the “home” as title of my site title, and group avatar, and blogs, etc – To those alt and title tags are the second biggest seo mistake with buddypress right now –
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