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Set Birthday value buddypress

  • @thagintoki


    Hi and thanks for reading my question, I have been trying to create a default data for buddypress and I am stuck, Searched about 2 days in forums but no clue. Here is the code I use:

                        $randDate = mt_rand(0062055681,0562055681);
                        $randDate = date('Y-d-m H:m:s', $randDate);
                        echo $randDate.'<br>';
                        xprofile_set_field_data( 1, $random_user, $displayname );
                        xprofile_set_field_data( 3, $random_user, 'Man' );
                        xprofile_set_field_data( 6, $random_user, 'Woman' );
                        xprofile_set_field_data( 9, $random_user, 'Single' );
                        xprofile_set_field_data( 17, $random_user, $city );
                        xprofile_set_field_data( 18, $random_user, $country );
                        xprofile_set_field_data( 2, $user_id, $randDate );

    everything works fine except for the datebox field which is field number (2); Thanks for helping.

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  • @henrywright


    How are you getting $user_id? You should show us all of your code. My advice is to dump stuff to check where you’re going wrong. For example:

    var_dump( $user_id );
    var_dump( $randDate );



    $random_user = wp_insert_user( $userdata ) ;

    this is how i get the user ID its working fine only birthday and avatar which are my problem, I can’t set a date or an avatar from an external link.
    I have used an API to generate random users then I save it as a buddypress user.
    And $user_id was a mistake I use instead $random_user but it’s not working anyways.



    What did you get when you used var_dump()?



    the user ID and DATE, works fine



    Have you checked in the db to make sure the profile data has been set? The issue could be how you’re displaying it at the front-end.



    yes checked the DB and I can see my users with all data except birthday and avatar that’s all



    In that case, I think your code should be working. The problem is most probably elsewhere.



    all i want to know is how the avatar are set in the user meta, because I have an external image url and want to set it in the meta but don’t know how they do it in buddypress, i have red all the files in buddypress plugin, but nothing helps. For the field datebox also I don’t know why it is not working I am sure my data is good but why it is not showing ?



    i have red all the files in buddypress plugin

    Then you know that BP does not store any data re individual avatars in the database.



    he store its link in the meta, but don’t know which function should I use as I couldn’t find any, for datebox I used the right function yet not stored, why?



    all i want to know is how the avatar are set in the user meta

    Is this related to the datebox stuff, or separate?



    separated sorry, but the birthday (datebox) still not working



    anyone got an idea?



    I spent a lot of time on a similar issue and the only thing that worked was using this format.

    date(“Y-m-d 00:00:00”)

    In other words must have h:i:s but they must be zeros. That seems like a bug to me but thats the only thing that worked with a buddypress date field whilst using xprofile_set_field_data

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