Woah, woah. One problem at a time I’d suggest
I assume you are using BP from Trunk and not RC-1. If you are using RC-1, I suggest using the Trunk.
Leave the forums for last. Also leave the random blog link for now. I suspect it is related to your other problems:
I have a lot of blogs already set up, and they are now showing on my front page as members, with the members.
The blogs already set up do not show up in the members blogs on their profiles, but they do in the top bar.
Yep. I’m using http://theartnetwork.co.uk/wpmu/members/dedesorensen/ to test these with.
This will take some diagnosing. First of all, if you’ve modified the default homepage theme *at all*, please restore the original homepage theme. Is the problem (let’s go for the first one, blogs listed in members widget) still there?
If it is, please remove any plugins you’ve got in /plugins/ or /mu-plugins/ out. I can tell you’ve got at least nextgen-gallery, wlwmanifest, eshop. After moving these out (with the pristine default homepage theme), does the problem remain?
Oh and when I made a test post on one of the blogs it didnt show upon the site wide activity…
I have no other plugins in MU and nexgen and eshop are in normal plugins. As this is an artists site they have to remain.
I have modified nothing,just put the BP on
I got the download from the download link, where is the trunk please. It is a long time since I was here.
Here’s the current trac version – https://trac.buddypress.org/changeset/1287/trunk?old_path=%2F&format=zip.
The problem is, I have seen various plugins cause incompatibilities and all sorts of weird problems with BuddyPress. If you aren’t willing to remove them to test, are you in a position to replicate the entire site to another domain or locally, to give you a copy to play around with?
It’s possible that the Trunk copy of BuddyPress will fix the problems, but I doubt it.
I have had a quick look and noone has set up their gallery or shop yet… I will remove them for now and see if this fixes AND I am uploading the trunk version now
Thank you for this I appreciate it
ok done. Still the same problems from what I can tell so far, I really do not seem able to have BP on my site, This is the fifth time since it was started that I have tried lol
I’m fairly baffled. It’s just ticked midnight here, so I have to drop this for now, but hopefully @burtadsit or @johnjamesjacoby will read this thread.
1stAngel, are you seeing anything in your webserver’s error logs when viewing any pages?
I am vaguely wondering if it’s something to do with the fact it’s a sub-directory install rather than a sub-domain. /wpmu/ isn’t a reserved name so I’m not sure why I’m thinking that. I’m guessing that most people use a sub-domain install, like me, so there will probably be more bugs for the sub-directory version.
I’ll keep thinking and pop in tomorrow
ok its midnight here troo so am assuming you are in the UK like myself. I will keep plugging on for a while then may have to either continue tomorrow or yet again give up… already being moaned at for losing plugins LOL
Error log only missing favicon and robot txt… think those were when I was trying to upload
Did you have a working install of wpmu before deciding to install Buddypress? If so, how were those blogs and user accounts made – via the usual way? No import from another site or use of some sort of plugin?
Yes a fully working WPMU and they have all been made as normal
Do you have WPMU installed in a subdirectory, but the still running in the root?
My posts from my own blogs are not showing.
I use feedwordpress to import some posts on the other blogs but blogs are showing that do not use that at all so I cannot see thats an issue
wpmu is in a folder off the root called wpmu and has been working for a very long time perfectly with no issues at all.
BTW, as soon as I put this BP on I have had a ton of spam blogs made so now have had to turn off registration for a while. I have seen there is a fix for this somewhere but wont bother until I know the BP will work.
Just to let you know I am continuing to think about this
aww thank you or letting me know
You can always have some access if you want to root about a bit.
Gave up guys. Thanks anyway 
Good luck with the BP seems it doesnt like me.