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Shortcode question [bp_profile_url]

  • @avaiya


    I’m trying to add a link to my membership site, such that when people click the word “Profile” it links over to their unique profile page.

    I see I can use this shortcode: [bp_profile_url]

    But how can I use to so it actually hyperlinks the world “Profile” ?


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  • @venutius


    Is that a shortcode from the BP Profile Shortcodes plugin?






    I’ve been looking at that, it seems it’s not possible to use that shortcode and create a link with it from a wordpress post, I tried several ways and none delivered the required result.

    I’m trying to contact the plugin developer at the moment as I’ve written some extensions to this, I think creating a short code that returns a link to the user name would be quite simple, I could look at this later and let you know how I get on.



    Actually I was wrong, if you add text=”Profile Link” into the shortcode it will return as a link.



    and if you put in text=”no” is will return a link with the username as the title



    Thank you so much! That work! (-:



    Hi Avaiya,

    just to let you know I’ve totally revamped the profile shortcodes plugin and added a load more features, you might like to take a look:

    BP Profile Shortcodes Extra



    Thank you. Is this a different plugin that this one?

    BuddyPress Profile Shortcodes

    I currently have this plugin.



    Yes it is, I’d love for you to try it out. Happy to add features. your current plugin is not being maintained and is starting to throw errors. This new one has all the same features as that one, but it also provides the ability to display the members cover image and also lists of the users friends and groups, also it can show friend and group suggestions based on the users friends.

    On top of that it can also do the same kind of thing for groups – Group avatar, cover image, group links plus the full group header.

    I’m still working on layout patterns for these new features. I’ve built in three different kinds of lists to the profile_lists shortcode, I’d like feedback as to what works.

    The other thing I’ve done is created comprehensive documentation, which gives you a much better idea of what you can do with it, which is quite a lot really.



    Venutius, maybe we should look at bringing the shortcakes into BuddyPress core sometime.



    Thanks @venutius. I will run it by my web guy and see what he thinks ๐Ÿ™‚



    @Venutius: I’d really like to be able to, on the top of all my membership pages, have the “What’s New, Member?” field where people can post an update.

    does your plugin have a shortcode for that?



    Theres a plugin that already does most of that, BP Activity Shortcode, there’s an option to add a what’s new box. I’m not sure if it will only display a What’s now box, but I’d have thought it would be a pretty simple change to add that option, ask over at

    However shortcodes don’t work on BP pages, same as any other content you add to the page via the editor, these would have to be other pages, where you are using your other shortcodes.



    @djpaul That would be a grand idea! Mind, I think the plugin that I’m working on at the moment would add significantly to core, it adds Members, Friends and Group only statuses to Posts, allowing posts to only be viewed by group members etc. I’ve always felt this was an obvious feature that was missing.



    Actually @Avaiya, I was wrong, BP Activity Shortcode does not include that feature, though I do think you should ask Brajesh if he’ll consider adding it as a feature first, before considering putting it into mine, it fits better there.



    Ok, thanks. Do you know of any plugin that does already have that feature? A shortcode for the โ€œWhatโ€™s New, Member?โ€ field where people can post an update?



    @avaiya might be this can help it will help you to paste shortcode inside page or widgets which will allow your user to post from anywhere.



    I’ve also added this to BP Profile Shortcodes Extra, it was pretty easy to add so I thought why not?



    Also, if you’re trying to link to the user’s own profile, don’t forget about the utility url:

    If the user isn’t logged in, it’ll pass them through the registration form to get there.



    @Venutius I installed your plugin to my site, and I can’t quite seem to be able to accomplish what I’m trying to do. Maybe I’m not understanding the context correctly. But I’d like to be able to use a shortcode that would display the username AND link to that user’s profile page. Is this possible? I was trying to use [bpps_profile_url user_id=”1″].



    Excellent, you found a feature that was missing! I’ve updated the plugin, with the new plugin you can add text=”name” and it will show the users displayname as a link to their profile:

    [bpps_profile_url user_id=”1″ text=”name”]

    Hope that helps



    PERFECT! This was exactly what I was looking for. You’re awesome, @Venutius!



    Hi, Venutius, On the site Users register as belonging to one of four parties (eg democrat, republican, progressive, libertarian), based on a profile field radio button. Users want to be able to have a list of all members in each of the four parties. I’m thinking this will best be done from the members page. Can this be achieved with your plugin? If so, can you walk me through the basic workflow? Thanks



    No it’s not got that functionality.



    This is not working on browser but works on private ones

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