Topic is resolved. Comments were being restricted in them folders function.php. I added check for bp_is_group_single. Current code:
//Restrict access to BP to logged-in users only
function my_filter_activity( $loop ) {
// added 10/19/16 D.T. – show all comments in single group home page
if ( !bp_is_group_home() )
$loop[‘scope’] = ‘just-me,friends’;
return $loop;
add_filter( ‘bp_after_has_activities_parse_args’, ‘my_filter_activity’ );
8 years, 5 months ago
I am using WP 4.6.1 in a network site, directory install using a Divi child theme. I have BuddyPress 2.6.2 with BuddyBlock, BuddyPress Cover Photo, BuddyPress Group Email Subscription and BuddyPress Group Tags. No bbPress.
I would like to make all posts and comments in a group visible to anyone who joins the group. At the moment group members can only see the posts and comments of their friends.
This implies that if a new member wants to see all the activity in a group, they have to send friend requests to everyone in the group.
I believe this should be done in bp-custom.php with code something like the following. I don’t know if I should be using the ‘has_groups’ or ‘has_activites’ loop or some other loop. I confirmed that bp_is_group_single does target the page in question because I could change the per_page entries successfully.
Thanks for any suggestions,
David Tuttle