Ok, I’m on a way, but still no clue… 
`$bp->groups->current_group` is empty. And that’s what `bp_is_group` checks…
PLEASE… what am I missing? I just want to display the activity stream and the matching post-form on a plain php site…
SORRY! I had an own variable with the name… you guess it… “$group”… that seems to be the problem…
Ok now my post-form isn’t showing at all, but the activities are FINALLY filtered.
Sorry if I turned you nuts 
not working 
activity-stream is ok now, but post-form is still the generic type and not the one for one specific group 
bp_is_group() = empty (false)
bp_get_group_name() = ‘myRealGroupName’
how can that be?
That’s how my idea of code for including a post-form for a specific group looks like:
However, it doesn’t work, showing the generic post-form with the drop-down where to post instead of posting directly and only to this group… 
Hmmm… it’s not possible that I – as a wp/bp-beginner – have a question that’s too hard to answer for all those experts here… is it? Sorry guys, just kidding… but I seriously need help on this topic. PLEASE!!!
@boonebgorges or @modemlooper are surely able to help… I’d also be more then happy to thank you with paypal 
Try modifying the BP Activity Stream widget to do what you need:
It’s applicable for all activity, but it’s probably possible to hack it to work for your one group.
Use what Ray suggested but where are you trying to add this group activity loop?
hey @r-a-y and @modemlooper,
thanks to both of you! I know I have a little bit of a mess above, so I’ll try to clear it all up now. I have found a solution to only display the activity-stream of one group, you can find the code above (I won’t copy/paste in this posting).
What is NOT solved is “displaying a post-form for logged-in users to post directly to only one group”. Now, where do I want to add this? On my custom, former non-wp php site I “wordpressified” using wp-load.php. It seems that wordpress is recognized as I am able to use all those custom-codes from wordpress to show activities etc.
But for the form – that doesn’t work. It just shows a generic form like on a users activity-home, not as if it would be on a group-home. My code looks like this:
Why does this show the generic form, even though I am in a group-loop? To me it’s also an indicator that something fundamental is wrong with my code because `bp_is_group() ` is false!
I’d really appreciate any help!!! It’s really urgent now to get this finished, I didn’t think to sit an such a “small” problem for a few days 