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Sidewide Activity: “Group posts” inside “All Members”

  • @verenar



    Is it possible to see all the posts from “My Groups” inside “All Members”?

    I want to avoid switching between these two sections.

    Thanks in advance. 🙂

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  • @venutius


    You could do this with a sidebar and a widget I think, you could use the BP Groups Widget in the default sidebar set to display that widget only on the Members page. That’s the quick fix, unless you are talking about running both the groups loop and the members loop on the same page or something.




    thank you for your reply.

    But I need a solution for one page. I have a dashboard with the Activitystream. In here I want to show the sidewide and the group posts on one place.





    halo @verenar,

    you already have that behave, in the “all members” activity stream.
    Problem is not the behave, but your 761 members which activities are all related on the same tab : all members ! OK, it’s not easy to see who, what and where and most informations are also available elsewhere.

    Because of this, BP brings by default allactivities sorted by “all”, and for each member, the possibility to get quick access to his group or friend activities.

    If you don’t want multiple access, simply remove the tab ! Ganz einfach.
    See here how to do that.



    Hello @danbp

    I tested it and you are right. 🙂 Every group post is visible in the “All Members” section except for private oder hidden groups.

    And my groups are hidden. Is it possible, to let hidden groups post into “All Members”?

    Thanks and greetings!



    Hem… you’re free to use BuddyPress to your needs, but i guess there is a moment where you reach the software limit.
    If you publish private activities in the public activity stream, what do you expect ? To compromise privacy or the way the software works ?
    As with 99,9% of software, you have to answer by Yes or No to each option you find. For groups, you have 3 options: 1 OR 2 OR 3 and not a bit of each, depending the current wind speed ! It’s private or it’s public, but not Y and N.

    So far i know, hidden group members see the hidden group activities when they are on their group activity page. A group is hidden means that “public” can’t see/access to it, so you can’t see those activities on the site activity page.



    Hey @danbp,
    thank you! 🙂

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