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Sign in redirect

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  • @etivite


    What I’ve done in the past for blocking activity comment replies but the same idea can be modified for forum replies. (ie, change out the permalink)

    $bp->root_domain . '/wp-login.php?redirect_to=' . urlencode( bp_activity_get_permalink( $activities_template->activity->id ) )



    I’ve come up with this line of code…

    / *<?php is_user_logged_in() ? _e( 'You cannot reply to this topic.', 'bbpress' ) : _e( 'Want to join the conversation? Join or ‘.__(‘Login’, ‘suffusion’).’‘ ); ?> */

    And it works… When you’re on the login screen UP UNTIL YOU PRESS SUBMIT the redirect shows correctly in the URL. WHEN YOU PRESS SUBMIT to actually login the system then redirects your redirect to PROFILE.PHP and I’m so far unable to locate which file this secondary redirect is bothering me from. I’ve butchered wp-login.php and the system doesn’t even seem to care. I think I could erase the file entirely and the system wouldn’t care.

    What file is BuddyPress using to control User Login’s, if it’s not using WP-LOGIN.PHP? I’ve been unable to locate that too. I figure my secondary redirect headache MUST be in that file somewhere.

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