It has to do with the .generic-button class, this much I have determined
Can you upload a screenshot and a ticket to I don’t run a Windows PC so I can’t use IE.
Ticket gets this response:
“Changed 7 days ago by apeatling
* priority changed from major to minor
No CSS support for display: inline-block in IE7, upgrade to IE8, or if someone wants to write a patch, by all means please do.”
Pardon me, but what? This is not a solution, is it? … upgrade to IE 8? What about all the users out there that still use IE 7? Since we patch for IE 6 all day long, why is something this glaring is so easily dismissed?
Personally, I use Firefox mainly, but always double check with the most widely used browser, which at last check was still IE 7. I did notice that the same button does work in other places within the theme, so why is it that the front page doesn’t work properly? Perhaps something can be changed in the structure? I ask here because I am not as familiar with the new themes to figure it out myself.
Personally, I have had to hack this theme and replace the button with a text link. But I’d love to have this fixed.
I’ve attached a tentative patch on the trac:
Feel free to help test!
I’ll test this for you tonight
Thanks Jason!
CSS hacks are dirty so don’t give me too much heat about that
Just wanted to see if the patch worked correctly? Any updates?