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Single message thread between users

  • Katalo


    Im realizing this is a rather big question, but I really want it to work.

    As of now when a user sends a private message to another user, it is inserted in the database with a id, thread_id, sender_id, subject, message and date_sent and foreach new subject there is a new thread id. I would like to remove och override the function to create a new subject and just have one message thread for the communicating users.

    So for the users first communication a thread_id is created, but then the ability to create new threads is “gone” and all communication will be in that single tread.

    Basicly im looking for a way to display messaging the way facebook does it. If anyone could give me a hint or point me in the right direction i would be very grateful.


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  • shanebp


    It won’t be easy.

    You’ll have to determine who is creating a message and who the recipients are.
    And then check for an existing thread id.
    If it doesn’t, allow a new thread.
    If it does, change it from new to reply.
    You’ll need to thoroughly review the code in buddypress/bp-messages to get an idea of how it works and which hooks are available for use.

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