Singular Activity Stream
Is there a way to combine all the activity streams into just one, similar to the theme here?
That should be the default BuddyPress activity stream.
@Modemlooper I mean how it is broken up into Personal – Friends – Groups – Favorites – @mentions
I’d like to find a way to merge all of them accept for the friends activity into one personal stream like and facebook.
Thats already on the top of your activity stream. They just moved it to the side changed some wording and added the followers filter. Plus they removed the post form.
Look at the pretty red arrows!
@r-a-y LOL, sometimes you have to POINT out the obvious.
@Modemlooper I’m not talking about that page, I’m talking about individual users’ activity. When someone @’s you on here, it shows up in your activity stream. I’ve never “favorited” anything so I don’t know if that shows up in your activity stream also or if you still have to go to its individual tab, but that is what I would want to setup, all activity in one stream.
On this site the only filter that looks to have change is that they’ve added @ mentions to the default profile stream. Do you want a wall where people can post to? Maybe this is what you are looking for
@Modemlooper I guess that is what i was trying to ask, how would one go about adding things like @mentions to the default profile stream. I got that post to user’s wall thing going which is nice, but then it is directed to the @mentions tab still.
@Modemlooper so I take it then you don’t know of any way to go about doing that?
You can filter an activity stream
This only shows @mentions in an activity stream
if ( bp_has_activities( ‘scope=mentions&action=activity_update’ )) : bp_the_activity();
@modemlooper if you get a chance can you check out the question in this thread and tell me if you know how to write that?
It’s very similar to what you had suggested to me here, but I’m just trying to figure out how to combined all the different personal acitivity streams into one (just-me, mentions, favorities).
Won’t work currently. You can only show one “scope’ or all of them. I had tried to do what you are asking for a theme and it’s a BP core thing that needs added. @DJPaul suggested adding this request to
How do you pull in all of them? If I don’t enter one specific scope or another, it defaults back to the “just-me” activity stream.
How do you pull all of the scopes in? I am having the same issue as @alanchrishughes.
I would like to aggregate all of a users activity into one stream (personal, friends, groups, mentions & favorites).
When I add more than one scope to bp_has_activities in the loop, it only takes the last one.
bp_has_activities dont accepet multi scope
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