site is too slow to browse around……
i had added quite a few fields like contatcs, arts, liking etc etc….whenver i browse around those fields it takes around 1 minute to show that field for eg if i move from arts to iikings tab it takes a few minutes…i was woundering that it is too slow even tough the site is not live , when the site ll be live then i suppose it ll take more than 10 minutes for my users to browse around the different sections of my site ….(bp)…..why so ? how i could sove this problem ….is this a problem of iis ….because my webserver is iis …..ll it be run better on apache..?
I have the same problem , my website is toooooooooooooo slow too , in general I think that buddypress is slow because all sites running buddypress I have ever seen seems to me that are slower than any other script , but buddypress has many plugins and much more functionalities than others , slowness of my website is my biggest problem , as hnla adviced to deactivate all plugins one by another , I did it , but never mentioned some difference , I have 60 plugins running . Hope that I will resolve it somehow in future , opening every page for 5 seconds is not good at all , there must be some bad combination of 2 or more plugins , not only one – in my case I guess .
running many plugins is really problematic even for regular installs of WP. Are you on a shared environment or do you have the server for yourself? I think 60 plugins is just too many and you may have to give up some of it for faster page speeds. There are also lots of tutorials and tools on how to benchmark and optimize websites.
I keep a test site live running WP 3.1/BP 1.2.8 a few plugins , some test stuff -generally I expect it to be a bit of a mess yet after the initial page load of 1.5 secs( too slow ) all pages load in around 600ms @naved your times suggest something very wrong but where is hard to say without monitoring and testing, however custom functions can slow down page loading a lot as I found the other day with a function I was using to update the meta of a series of WP pages, it was slowing the page down to approx 8 secs until I wrapped it in a conditional to only run once.
@4ella really the only thing I can think to advise is to disable all plugins then benchmark a page load and start to add plugins back in. 60 plugins is almost certainly going to load the site to some extent, if they’re not well written could well be conflicting; on the other hand the problem could rest with the server especially if you are on shared hosting where you might have 100 sites all trying to grab cpu cycles at the same time
@hnla , @dataprise1 Thanks guys for your kindly respond , I have many plugins which are running once a month (data importers , category importers , group joiners , privacy plugins , many plugins not important for running the live website at all , but making my life easier when I want to import something , protect something etc , ) I was thinking that if those plugins are not in use at the moment , at that page , they don’t create bigger page load and I don’t need to deactivate them or delete them.
But I am laik , I have realized that I am possibly wrong because as @hnla recommended I have also installed HttpFox , it is showing me a lot of data , for sure some expert can see a problem , but to tell the truth I don’t understand this tool at all , I can’t understand which function-page is taking too much time, I see some facebook addresses – scripts delays (also 55sec.), really many gravatar callings , some google API scripts , Google Maps callings (even if that page doesn’t contain any Map on ) I am ready to give up all gravatars on my website , allowing only uploaded images , I have also deleted all gravatars=avatars from activity stream (in css display:hidden them – maybe there should be a problem ? I didn’t deleted the codes from templates , so it is calling css which returns display:hidden ), but :
Can I ask if anybody of you can take a look at my website ( to see it with Httpfox or similar tool if there’s something very unusual , uncommon , notable ? Like this I would like to encourage anybody who would like to use this website for test purposes before I will launch it and put in live environment.
Tonight I will try to deactivate all my plugins together , and will start to activate them one by one (before I made it on contrary , deactivating one by one , so there were always 59 other plugins running) , but when I make them running alone , how can I benchmark them ? HttpFox is showing me a lot of data , how much time for every page is a lot ? When controlling it with HttpFox I was trying to see difference between and my website and it was only showing me difference with some facebook pages (I am using premium facebook auto connect plugin ) . I was hoping that I will find here some tips from other users for some plugins which takes more time to load than other – for example:
I can easily live without BP – achievements plugin , but I can’t imagine to give up bigger plugins like Buddypress Docs , Buddypress Review , Gallery and also some other smaller plugins , I was hoping to find some tool which will tell me that Buddypress BP- Achievements plugin together with other one takes too long .
About the change shared hosting on Hosting change I want to be a last solution , because the website is not earning any money and I can’t allow any dedicated server yet (I will inform myself about VPS – somebody on this forum adviced this cheaper solution)
Any help would be very appreciate Daniel@4ella i had seen ur website ..i like 1 thing , how you changed the footer ie. “© 2011. Models & Hostesses & Dancers – Unplugged Theme by Diesel Laws. “
i also want to change the footer for my site how to do that ….plz tell me the folder and exact file or line to modify since i m not very femilier with php ….thnx @4ellaIt’s slow on initial get request with times approx 8 secs ( that feels reminiscent of the issue I had that I tracked down to a WP DB update running) it’s hard to say, however, exactly what is causing this subsequent pages are better @ ~2secs. one thing that ought to be corrected; you are trying to call the reset.css file twice, BP is loading it ok through it’s @import but your theme ‘Unplugged’ appears to be trying to load it from it’s local directory and it doesn’t exist so that’s throwing a 404 error file not found and taking 13/5 secs to time out also there a few other 404’s that ought to be tracked down and corrected.
All in all there is a whole heap of script calls and css being requested, and is going to slow things down to a degree although browser caching should help that once the browser has initially downloaded and cached a file.
One thing your server doesn’t appear to be doing is using mod_deflate content encoding to gzip files before transfer, this does speed up file transfer by compressing contents and letting the browser unzip them it’s end, so maybe speak to your host and ask if it isn’t enabled could it be.
@naved I thought I had ?
your-theme-name equals whatever theme you have installed and are using if you are using the bp-default theme then it’s in:
But you don’t really want to edit the core theme as the changes will be overwritten when you upgrade so one uses a child themeto make mods to bp-default theme files.
Thanks a lot @hnla , it is very helpful , I will work on it now , I think that I will delete all UNPLUGGED theme and will add all css in my default theme ,( “unplugged theme ” runs on “default” theme so it wouldn’t be so difficult , I have deactivated 30 plugins now , so I feel that it is much more faster with 30 plugins , I have realized that my website on internet explorer 9 is at least 3 times faster than mozilla 4 which from the start when I have installed it was very quick and now has some memory problems (slowly increases and takes 1gb RAM) so it is very slow for all my websites (maybe I got a virus) and unfortunately internet connection here in Italy is very bad for me now (NOT ADSL) 7.2MB – so my testing is very limited . Thanks a lot for your help !
FF has a history of bad memory management, and too many open tabs doesn’t help, restarting the browser usually clears the memory down a bit.
Huge thanks @hnla , I have changed template to default and it is quick like a hell –
now , so it is only a little bit css customization to turn “default” to black design (UNPLUGGED served only for colours , nothing else , UNPLUGGED THEME WAS a PROBLEM , thanks a lot !!! next time I will avoid using child themes , I like default with some little customization
@4ella no DO use a child theme, if all you want to do is some basic CSS styling ten you only nee to create the most basic child theme with a style.css file in it.
Follow this guide it’s very straightforward: you now activate your theme in the dashboard it will inherit/ import the main BP styles as well as all the other important BP stuff, you can now add your own styles to your stylesheet below the @ import calls to override any BP styles.
You can’t run Buddypress on BlueHost. You can, but you will have this issue. BlueHost throttles anyone running BP (3 of their tech support people told me this when we where with them). Even if it is only you with no others users. You can check for yourself in the control panel under CPU Throttling. You should leave them as soon as possible. Because even if this was not a issue, you can’t grow your site with them because they only offer shared hosting. I know lots of people do, but you shouldn’t run BP on a shared server.
The only 2 hosts I would recommend are Media Temple or Rackspace.
Tell us what folder though!
if you are refering to a child theme folder then it’s possible it doesn’t WP uses a template hierarchy system this means that it looks for files first in the theme folder then if the theme says it’s a child theme WP looks to the parent theme for the file so a child theme may not have copied over that file and is using the parent copy in which case copy over the whole file to the child theme and edit it from the copy which WP now uses instead of the parent copy
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