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SiteOrigin PageBuilder compatible?

  • @jstuts5797


    Hello, I’m trying to use BP Shortcodes with Siteorgin page builder. Basically I don’t want to use the premade BuddyPress pages at all. I want to be able to use my page builder to design the layout by using widgets and shortcodes. I’m having trouble getting any shortcodes to work right when I use them inside a pagebuilder html widget… specifically, it never takes on my background and font color settings from pagebuiler. Is this even possible? Is it even possible to not use the built in buddypresss pages/templates at all? When I do try to use them it just doesn’t match the look and feel of my site and makes everything look pretty ugly. Its either this or peepso. I prefer buddypress because things like media sharing and user private messaging comes free… with peepso they are paid add ons. But with PeepSo at least I can fully use widgets/shortcodes into a page builder designed page to make everything look uniform. Can anyone help? I’m new to all of this and I’m very very frustrated. This is the third time in the past two months I’ve redownloaded and given buddypress a shot… and I always get hung up at this very very point and then I always deactivate and go back to PeepSo. Any and all help would be greatly appreciated!!

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  • @venutius


    Which shortcodes plugin are you using?



    BP Shortcode Plugin, shortcode any widget



    you got a link?



    I do… I”ll have to shut off my coming soon page and give you a admin user account… is there a way I can PM this to you?



    I’m afraid not, I meant a link to the BP Shortcodes plugin, I’ve not seen that one



    Found it, that one is supported by Varun, he normally looks in on this forum about this time. I’ve also got a shortcodes plugin BP Profile Shortcodes Extra, maybe it has some features you could use.



    I’m sorry, its actually called Shortcodes for BuddyPress. Here is the link:



    Yep that’s Varun’s plugin, if you post on the plugin forum direct you should be ble to get support there, otherwise as I say Varun typically drops by around this time.



    Ok sounds great! I do feel better that It is a known developer! Thank you!

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