Skeleton Component Throws Error on Install (1.1 BP, and 1.3 Skeleton)
I get this error when trying to activate the buddypress skeleton component
Fatal error: Cannot redeclare bp_example_register_widgets() (previously declared in C:\server\htdocs\wp-content\plugins\bp-example\bp-example-templatetags.php:16) in C:\server\htdocs\wp-content\plugins\bp-example\bp-example-widgets.php on line 65
Any ideas?
What exactly are you trying to do?
The skeleton component is not a working plugin. It does not do anything of and by itself. It is a generic, bare-bones plugin template from which you can create your own, custom BuddyPress plugin.
To work with it, you not only need PHP-coding skills, but also a sufficient understanding of the inner workings of BuddyPress.
I see….I am trying to get my head around the buddypress architecture now, and I guess I got confused from the readme in the skeleton package
It says
Copy /bp-example/ and bp-example.php into /wp-content/plugins/ and activate the plugin.
Thats why I tried to activate it.
Reading that, I figured it had functions “working” so you could see how some of the aspects of the plugin interact with the hooks/front end.
I basically assumed it was a barebones (working example) of several functionsk and calls…but now ooking at it…I assume the statement in the readme is a template to…basically saying “this is waht you put in your readme”?
Thanks for getting back to me
The skeleton component does works if you activate it, it does provide some basic functionality as an example.
The error you are getting sounds like the plugin is being activated twice. Delete the plugin and reload the plugin admin page. This should make sure it is completely deactivated.
Re-upload the plugin – make sure bp-example.php is in the plugin folder root, along with the /bp-example/ folder. Try re-activating.
Hey guys, I’m getting the same error. I tried your steps Andy and no go.
I’m on a brand new install of BP 1.1.1 and WPMU 2.8.4a
If I activate it site wide I get the white screen of death and it crashes the entire site. If I just activate it I get the error below.
Fatal error: Cannot redeclare bp_example_register_widgets() (previously declared in /var/www/vhosts/ in /var/www/vhosts/ on line 65
Hello guys,
Same problem here. White screen of dead…
bp-example.php and /bp-example/ are in the plugin root folder
For testing purposes I use Xampp.
any ideas guys? i would really like to convert to 1.1.1 but can’t until I get my component converted and working.
In meantime I started with the plugin from Manoj Kumar, it’s based on the skeleton component and works in 1.1.1 But there changed a lot of things, before 1.1 I just could include a php file which used HTML_QuickForm. When I do this now and I submit my form I always get the mainpage
Ideas are welcome
I’ll check into this.
Is there a way to be notified when there is a reply to a post? I almost missed this one/forgot about it.
Thanks for looking into it Andy
shedmore, RSS is the best way to follow it.
Tried Andy Peatling’s suggestion of deleting & re-uploading the plugin, but still get the same fatal error in Admin > Plugins. (Running WPMU 2.8.4a + BuddyPress 1.1.1 + BuddyPress Skeleton Component 1.3).
Plugin could not be activated because it triggered a fatal error.
Fatal error: Cannot redeclare bp_example_register_widgets() (previously declared in /homepages/30/d119280860/htdocs/onesexfitsall/wp-content/plugins/bp-example/bp-example-templatetags.php:16) in /homepages/30/d119280860/htdocs/onesexfitsall/wp-content/plugins/bp-example/bp-example-widgets.php on line 65
The Author Homepage & Plugin Homepage links on the BuddyPress Plugins page for this plugin have been going to “Not Found” pages for a few days now:
Not sure what it means.
Those are just placeholder values because it’s an example plugin which has been uploaded to
andy, any luck on this one?
The function bp_example_register_widgets occurs twice in the skeleton component. That is what is causing the issue. It is found in both bp-example-templatetags.php and bp-example-widgets.php.
For now, you can comment out the version of that function found in bp-example-templatetags.php.
thanks Jeff, will try and get back to you!
i tried that Jeff and it made no difference.
any other ideas Jeff?
Okay, I’ll have to take a closer look at this over the next few days. Make sure that you upgrade to 1.1.2 as that is the version I will be using to test and debug the Skel. Comp.
hey guys, some of you already solved it? Just change register to cool in bp_example_register_widgets() in bp-example-templatetags
I’ve updated the skeleton component to 1.3.1 with the fix, you should be able to download the new version in about 15mins from now.
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