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Slow for logged-out users

  • @sourfew


    he whole wordpress site is slow for logged out users and I not sure if it’s related to bbpress or buddypress. Every page take about 4 sec and 0.5 sec for logged in users

    Wordpress: 4.7.3
    Buddypress: 2.8.2
    bbpress: 2.6b2
    25000 users

    With QueryMonitor I can see the following
    SELECT wp_users.ID,wp_users.user_login,wp_users.user_pass,wp_users.user_nicename,wp_users.user_email,wp_users.user_url,wp_users.user_registered,wp_users.user_activation_key,wp_users.user_status,wp_users.display_name
    FROM wp_users
    WHERE 1=1
    AND wp_users.ID IN (40269,32606,34524,34322,40331,40334,36153,25677… and all user id’s

    Caller is WP_User_Query->query()

    Plugin buddypress

    The funny thing is if I disable bbpress and rtMedia with (bbpress plugin) that big query is not taking place.

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  • @sourfew


    I have noitices that if I disable “Friends” I don’t get that slow query.




    The fix for that is coming in the next release of buddy press. Or at least for the part of the problem.

    You most likely get 50% of your problem from these two in my case with 6k users these amounted to the respective query execution times (from new relic), I also run buddypress + rtmedia (which is the source of this problem) as described in this ticket:

    bp_friends_prime_mentions_results() – Used by the Activity component’s @mentions to print a JSON list of the current user’s friends.

    bp_friends_prime_mentions_results – 10,000+ ms
    bp_core_fetch_avatar – 6,000+ ms

    Here’s a fix:

    You’ll still likely stay with this massive query even for logged out users:
    WP_User_Query::query on average right now it’s at around 7,500ms.

    Good news is that with HHVM site runs much faster due to object caching straight after enabling it.

    I’ve also played around with various hosts, flywheel & wpengine sucked. What works well is Kinsta with HHVM enabled, they can also check your database and help you move to InnoDB if you’re using another one.

    Anyway man hope this helps.



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