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Slow Registration Page

  • @metalhead505


    I’ve optimized my public pages for speed, and I’ve had great success with all the pages on my site (all at or close to 100 in Page Speed Insights.) The exception is my registration page.

    I was using a plugin called “Bp xProfile Location” which was hurting the page speed significantly. After removing that plugin, I’m still only able to achieve 85 on the registration page.

    I have a few JS snippets taking action on the page also, but removing them caused no change in the speed score.

    Out of curiosity, I inspected with Page Speed Insights, and even that page is quite slow with an 88 score. (Their TTI is 3.6 seconds.)

    So, knowing that even the official WordPress site has a slow registration page, I feel that Buddypress is probably not the problem, but I’m not sure.

    Does anyone have a high speed score (higher than 88) on their registration page? Alternatively, is there a specific, uncontrollable reason that our reg pages are so slow, and should we not worry about it?

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