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Some accessories (track user, user activity post date, cubepoints ranks, second activity)

  • I have some problems with buddypress.
    I need function which let track user – this works in that way: i click on user page ‘track’ and automaticly this user is adding to my right-sidebar page ‘tracked’.
    User activity post date – I need function which display date of entry in activity (for example 12.06.2012 – not 4 days ago) – some ideas?
    Cubepoints ranks – Anybody know hot i can build cubepoints rank at member page? (Sort by points or sth)
    Second activity – I hope everybody can understand me. I need some like ‘second activity’, for example I just have in nav bar user sth like Activity 2 – just the same like Activity 1 but I wanna have there other entrys.

    I hope you will help me.
    Sorry for my english.
    This is very important for me.

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