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Some error in home template, only at single post pages.

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  • @sgrunt


    oh i know well that …lovely… bug: it happens only when you are not logged in. But i think it has been solved in recent svn versions.



    No I already have the latest svn (rev. 1209)



    This is not a bp issue. You’ve modified the div arrangement so that the sidebar is inside the ‘content’ div. It normally lives outside the ‘content’ div. As a matter of fact everything is inside the content div, even the footer. You are probably missing a </div> in there someplace.



    Hello thanks for your reply.

    The only things I’ve changed in the themes are the logo.gif files and the adminbar.gif in bp-core/images, I’ve never touched any php or html file.

    Only in footer.php I added google analytics code, just before the </body> tag.

    I just tested with the latest unmodified bp-themes (home and member) from SVN.

    I also updated all buddypress mu-plugins to this latest SVN.

    The sidebar is still in the content div.

    Offcourse I cleared browser-cache etc, etc.

    oh i know well that …lovely… bug: it happens only when you are not logged in.

    Yes you’re right this doesn’t happens when a user is logged in.

    Anyway I’ll keep on searching what causes this.

    If anyone has some advice, you’re welcome to post.



    i’m sure it depends on the version your using: i was getting mad to solve it in my local installation with no success: i thought it was a fault of my custom theme. Then i’ve tried my custom theme on my second local installation and all worked fine. I don’t remember how to see the current version number of buddypress, if i know how to see it i can tell you what is the working version.



    Check comments.php?

    If it’s a logged in user issue, and you must be logged in to post, then the comments.php file could be the culprit.



    Yep. That’s gotta be it John. If that’s missing the whole thing changes. Practicing the ‘he who is loudest is right’ approach to support doesn’t seem to be working for me. Perhaps I should switch back to actually investigating things instead? :)



    I can’t reproduce this. I know this issue has cropped up before. I remember it now. Did you update your themes also?

    Yes I updated the themes.

    I’ve overwritten every file from a fresh WPMU 2.7 download, latest Buddypress SVN, and switched back to the latest “unmodified” bp-themes.

    The problem still occurs.

    I’m going to check comments.php now, maybe I can find something wrong in there.


    “If it’s a logged in user issue, and you must be logged in to post, then the comments.php file could be the culprit.

    Yes you’re right, if I uncheck the setting that only registered users can comment, the problem is also gone!

    I think I know enough now to find this bug, I’ll let you know.

    Thanks for all your help.

    I fixed it:

    at the end of buddypress-home/comments.php I changed:



    <?php endif; // If registration required and not logged in ?>

    <?php endif; // if you delete this the sky will fall on your head ?>



    <?php endif; // If registration required and not logged in ?>


    <?php endif; // if you delete this the sky will fall on your head ?>



    ztas, nice catch. You too John. Can you post this in trac please?

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